rachel, entj, mars conjunct asc, martian luminaries, solar ruled (radiant hater by birth, humble lover by choice/cbt/some unfortunate pisces placements). she pronouns are ok but dont get it twisted a wildly overactive animus has been running the show since 1995. therefore all gripes and complaints about aries & leo men can safely be imposed onto me
i’m gafiated/halfiated indefinitely (forever lbr) but post Deer Dairy bullshit nonsense here and silently curate the Reblogues
asks off indefinitely bc one too many people have been raised by wolves & cant act normal at me. soz. please do not use the dm feature on here to circumvent. discord is ok if you have it already.
- f: moveys...
- tv: underwater basket weaving
- m: musician / group
- p: person
- lit: books
- meta: what am i tlking about ever
- ip: franchises that span more than 1 medium
- v: vidya