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I'm a panda. and an adult, if you really need to know.
The Wedding Dress
Update The 2nd - I debated putting this in the original post but honestly its getting way too long so new post!

I have blocked the skirt! And she was big, measuring about 1.95 - 2m in diameter:

Yes, that is hanging on the wall in my halfway - that was the only place I could leave her safely away from my toddler for the 3 days it took to dry. I'm am still working out a way of blocking the bodice and hanging the entire thing back up to dry without the weight of the skirt dragging everything down while it's damp. Most likely i'll stuff the skirt into a laundry bag and suspend it underneath somehow. Previously the skirt hit me right under the knee but post-blocking it sits low to mid-calf length:

I have yet to finish the underdress, it's happening, I'm just really not keen on cutting pattern pieces recently.

This is knit btw, not crochet.

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