@thekissxxx on Tumblr

a chaotic curation of emotional investments

@thekissxxx /

Hi I'm Kay👋 She/her. Just another multi-fandom mess. I'm emotionally invested in fictional characters and their relationships with each other to an unhealthy degree. Basically I'm addicted to escapism and tumblr is my enabler. Fandom, music, animals etc. whatever fits on the list of my loves/distractions from reality. Sometimes my inner shawol pops out, can't be helped, but my official place for that here on tumblr is @comerainxcomeshine

rewatching word of honor wow this show is so unhinged and so gay. like fr girl im rolling my eyes watching wkx go through his 4 moods: murderous, emo sad, emo gay and delusional.

why did they make up so much plot like anyone whos watching this is watching for the pretty boys serving face and being gay. my man zzs just wanted to be a drunk homeless and lie in the sun for 3 years

girl i live for wkx level of unhinged and bipolar. bruh that scene with his ghosts where he was like oh noo buddy dont worry let me help you up BY THE THROAT and straight up strangles him then hangs him up by a noose and is like haha ok lets continue our meeting where we discuss how youve all failed me...

okay and then when he finds out his one true love is about to die he just sits in the rain on some bridge playing his flute depressedly, waxes some edgy poetry and flies off into the night ?Q?Q?! bestie needs to get a grip

and like zzs... can he stop serving face for one hot minute and give his man some attention??! like girl one minute he's making puppy dog eyes on the verge of tears just thinking about his emo past and depressing ass future without his soulmate and next minute he starts waxing poetry as some sort of delusional coping mechanism WELL at least he's pretty so he gets a pass for everything mwah but man they need couples therapy

like oh my god we get it you're both fucking beautiful and pretty. and wkx is such a simp but who can really blame him


I can't stress enough how much I miss StumbleUpon


StumbleUpon once sent me to a supercut of Lion King, Lion King 1 1/2, and Lion King II, the main edit being that the scenes of Lion King and Lion King 1 1/2 were interspersed so that they happened in the order they actually happened.

stumbleupon not existing anymore can be directly traced to a dramatic decline in my mental health, I could do a thesis on it.


bestie stumbleupon very much still exists its just called cloudhiker now. i use it all the time.


mini compilation of suggestions from the replies:

The Bored Button - "Press the Bored Button and be bored no more."

Cloudhiker - "Discover the most interesting, weird and awesome websites of the Internet" (not really a rebrand, it's a different person running it but they have the same intention in mind) - "These videos come from YouTube. They were uploaded in the last week and have titles like DSC 1234 and IMG 4321. They have almost zero previous views. They are unnamed, unedited, and unseen (by anyone but you)."

Marginalia - "This is an independent DIY search engine that focuses on non-commercial content, and attempts to show you sites you perhaps weren't aware of in favor of the sort of sites you probably already knew existed."


dudes will be like yeah that's a fantastic episode of the show one of my favorites in fact. i can't watch it straight all the way through because the mental distress it causes me is too acute

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