What do you call a Rosharan elk with only one antler?
An antelopen
An antelopen
So WoB the pulse from the Well of Ascension is a pure tone of Scadrial, just like Honor's tone is a pure tone of Roshar. This has implications for the world itself, but guess what? It also means that, long before the advent of recording technology, long before the advent of genre, long before the advent of the electric guitar,
Scadrial had metal music
I'll see myself out
(I've only gotten through WoR so far, so this is subject to being wrong in retrospect [Come across a few OB spoilers though, hence my choice for Dalinar])
Kaladin: Hell's Comin' With Me (what else?)
Dalinar: Devil's Price
Shallan: Long Way Home
Wit/Hoid: Change
Szeth: Pressure Cracks
Sadeas: Prodigal
Moash: Black Sheep
Taravangian: Providence
Couldn't find anything for Adolin or Jasnah, sorry.
What if all animals were replaced by dragons?
Birds? Tiny dragons.
Cats? Dragons that wake you up demanding food and will throw up little bursts of fire or coals to get you out of bed.
Dogs? Wingless dragons that love to fetch and are friendly.
Horses? Dragons.
Fish? Aquatic dragons.
Insects? The smallest dragons ever that leave tiny burns instead of bug bites.
You can see where I'm going with this. :D
Just substitute crabs for dragons and congrats, you just invented Roshar!