the character work with sol in this episode was SO good. the way the show has built him up to be this ideal jedi, and then this episode strips it away, showing his hubris, showing how quick to judgment he is. throughout the episode, he insisted on interfering, over and over, because he was so sure of himself, so sure that the twins were in danger, that he knew what was best for them; he killed mother aniseya because he assumed that whatever magic she was using - magic that presumably was meant to transport mae away and save her - was violent in nature. and then she tells him in her final moments that she was going to let osha go, and there's all that guilt, that crushing realization that his assumptions were wrong, and at the end of the episode he wants to purge it all by telling the council - but indara is the one who points it out as selfishness; by confessing, he would be assuaging his own guilt while also destroying osha's chance to fulfill her dream of being a jedi. and so he takes osha on as his padawan, and he carries that guilt with him, every single day of his life. "i've accepted my darkness; what have you done with yours?"
Siempre estaré encantada con The Acolyte por dar vida a Sol porque su personaje está buenísimo. No había sentido tanto entusiasmo por un personaje de star wars así en algunos años ya y me están volviendo loca con Sol. es que todas sus decisiones las hace por mero juicio propio y no es parcial. Me encanta como está todo unhinged y como al final todos sus errores los cometió por ser humano...por el hecho de que todas las cosas y sentimientos enterrados salieron a la luz cuando vio la oportunidad de obtener un Padawan, que es sin duda uno de sus deseos, además de demostrar su capacidad de ser Maestro. Es que, todo lo suprimido sale a la luz en situaciones donde él no está teniendo el control de eso que quiere - igual sucedió en el capítulo 5, cuando lo vimos aún más desequilibrado y dispuesto a matar a Qimir. Hay demasiado en él para desenredar y me tiene embobada.