Say that again!!!!
Y’all better stop with this ‘I’m not like these OTHER Black kids’ bullshit out here.
yes cuz niggas tired of hearing bout how the hood niggas bullied you in high school and the black girls aint like you cuz you like anime
True, but at the SAME TIME we can’t deny that there is and was PLENTY of niggas calling these same kids “oreos” and roasting them for “trying to act or talking white”. That doesn’t help the internalized racism being shunned and being constantly picked at to validate blackness.
yea i don’t understand why yall want these same black kids yall bully for this behavior to be so willing and happy about it. yall tired of hearing about black nerds being bullied but then stand to the side and watch it happen all the time. yall tired of hearing it well i guess they tired of LIVING it. and maybe that fake comradiere they have with other non black people is the only comfort they have.
yall want all the solidarity in the black community but then at the same time yall step on black people who don’t conform. yall want everyone to do all black only, but then turn around and ignore black people. fuck all yall.
yall make someone hate themselves for not being black enough, and then turn around and shame them for feeling that way. yall look down on black nerds because they rather read a comic than zane, because they stan for an asain entertainer and not a black one, because they might be into some alternative culture that isn’t rooted in black culture–and then turn around and say “yea just because we shit on yall for not acting black but that doesn’t mean yall not black.” like shut the fuck up.
why dont we stop trying to police how black people should fit into black culture then? why dont we just allow black people to like rap OR j-pop and not demand that they must choose a side. how about we dont ostracize the black nerds who wanna talk more about pop culture and social issues. how about we accept black nerds/geeks/otakus as they are and maybe they wont be trying so hard to distance themselves from the black community.
Thank you so much @daisyology .
Y’all act like this was some lunch money and swirlies in the bathroom bullshit. No we were black kids dealing with gun-toting, gang affiliated, drug dealing previously arrested BLACK bullies. From home to class and back there was never one second of peace just one brutal ass whoopin after another.
Every step of my high school life niggas were literally try to kill my ass for not being the right kind of black. I spent more time leaving the ER then i did leaving class. Every other day I was crawling my bloody ass out of the damn Street after getting knocked the fuck out. Where was this unity when I was pushed down whole flights of steps, beat with a fucking stick, and hand textbooks thrown at me?
where were you people when I had to hide in the boys bathroom until everybody left the school? Where were all of you the many times I was so desperate to just end it already because I was sick and tired of being physically beaten? Where were you when the “bullying” got so bad (as if it wasn’t bad enough already) I decided to take a gun to school?
I didn’t just have a few bad days, I had 4 fucked up years and it’s a miracle that I got through any of it at all, no thanks to you people. Please tell me when you had my back? I don’t remember anybody talking me out of a window or convincing me to take a gun back home. When i was being “bullying” the only black person that had my back was me, thank you very much.
Nobody said shit. Nobody did shit
That’s cause niggas don’t give a shit about other blacks until it’s convenient to do so.
I always see this post and I always want to reblog it, but I can’t because of how much it angers me, I can’t quite find the words to say that accurately describes it. I love how they address that “yeah I know you’re upset and all because you were punished for being different and/or trying to succeed by your own race…” then proceed to tell us, with VALID greivences, to just “meh, shut up about it and come together in solidarity with us”. Um no, sorry that’s not how it works. You can’t just erase people’s lived experiences of rejection, ostracization and sometimes being beat into submission and then ask those same people to hold hands with you.
For some of us, hurdle after hurdle was put in our way by other black people and you wanna act like we’re the ones who need a reality check? You wanna act like it’s the white man who’s the active threat? I didn’t get into fights with white people at school. I didn’t get laughed at by white people at my school. I didn’t get punished for trying to get good grades by white people. As soon as I graduated from my majority black middle school I booked it to somewhere else. And if you’re going to act like we need to adjust ourselves, it ain’t going down like that.
Black people need pushing this fake unity shit to get at “the man,” and preach respect for every single human being on this planet. You can’t watch niggas get jumped, robbed and bullied while you laughing and shaming them, and you wonder why black people don’t trust each other.
I’m surprised how many people in these notes are on the opposite side of the debate. This isn’t a “I can’t find no nerdy black girls” thing nor is it a “All the people who teases me were hood” thing. This is a “Throughout both middle school and high school I was consistently demanded to prove my blackness through both physical and social opression. This was not only at the the behest of classmates but from family as well, some even immediate asy parents or siblings” thing. So of course scorn for the circumstances or cultural elements that bore those kinds of enemies would stay in your heart, that’s not some shit you just “grow up” from.
Furthermore I see many of you making the mistake asserting “anti-blackness” with whatever specific grievances someone has. The refusal to engage with certain elements you consider mandatory to blackness does not equate to anti-blackness. Saying a those of the ghetto have a responsibility to actually try towards the changes they demand is not anti-blackness. Not being completely comfortable with the whine put on ya is not anti-blackness. Having polarizing interests is not anti-blackness.
For context, I was raised middle-class and had popular-ish friends so this was never a true problem for me. Had difficulty relating to my family but still love em to death. When it did become close to a problem in school I fought a couple of niggas, because I ain’t bitch-made. But the issue still stands that this shouldn’t be a problem in the first damn place.
TL;DR what everyone else said. I just felt it necessary to add something. Don’t actually be anti-black though, that’s dumb.
I always hated that there was a fucking measuring stick for what it meant to be black, or people would be like, ‘well you lost your black card’. LOL. Like I’m sorry, pretty sure we were all born with that fucker and no one can take it away. Watching anime or not being into sports, liking classical music, or insert whatever the fuck thing doesn’t mean someone isn’t black. For me, because of family trying to force me into a fucking box as to what that meant, it took until I was well into my twenties to actually be proud of my heritage.
There’s a billion ways to be black and all of them are fine so long as we aren’t trying to shred each other to death. Enough of the world does that for us anyway.
Blackness and whiteness aren’t real. Solidarity is ideological fraternity, not racial fraternity. I’m me, not my race, and I see you whether you try to hide behind your race or not. Hope you all see me too.
Tweets and posts like this are 100% why I’m happy to have been an antisocial weirdo in high school, thank you very much.
This shit is not cute anymore lol. Y'all are not in highschool no more y'all are grown ass adults. You need to go to therapy and sit down and talk about your experiences and why you think it was the responsibility of fellow black youth to save you from the trauma you faced in highschool when you could barely handle it yourself. You also need to fucking realize that like,, black children acting out and having some qualifiers for blackness is a result of systematic oppression from whites. Wtf is wrong w/ yall. Yall wanna bootlick so bad. I mean really…“other 12-18 y/o didn’t save me now I don’t trust any black people”, “black teens called me an oreos in highschool so all black people are so terrible whites would never treat me this way😭😭”, “Race isnt real therefore i dont owe fellow black people anything”. Please grow up this is not a cute look.
This sure is an awful lot of words that doesn’t resolve the fact that what this is is a demand that these black people reach out to the people who in a very real way ostracized and othered them in the first place, putting the onus on them to undo the damage the black community did TO them. If you want a single, united black community, then it is the responsibility of that community to reach out and mend rifts, not of the outcasts to come join a group they will naturally associate with negative experiences out of some percieved solidarity they have never been a beneficiary of. You don’t create unity from obligation, you create it from fucking COMMUNITY. If you can’t find a way to invite these people back in without insulting them and making them out to be the villains, you will not ever get them back in. If you want to serve as an agent and member of a united black people, then you need to take responsibility for what that means, and that means resolving the issues within the black community, not expecting the victims to come and resolve them on your behalf.