TW: Depression and Suicide Mentioned
In December, I got charged +$900 by the ER for a depressive episode where I was suicidal. They did nothing but ask me questions, check my vitals, and sit me in the area near the nurses station (not in a room). I was wanting to commit suicide, but I did not have a plan. He told me he would write a prescription for me to start antidepressants. HE DIDN'T. When I called back they said they couldn't. The patient support advocate told me she set up a mental health appointment for January within the same hospital system. THERE WASN'T ONE. I was given an appointment reminder with a date, time, and location for the appointment. I am still not sure if she never set it, or if they cancelled it without notifying me. The only reason I found out was because a month or so before I called, and they said no appointment was under my name. I was then told there was nothing they could do and the next available appointment wouldn't be until May. THIS WAS AN UNDER 2 HOUR VISIT. I WAS STILL ACTIVELY CRYING AND HYPERVENTILATING AS I WAS BEING GIVEN MY DISCHARGE PAPERS.