(Josh Cotton) Hi guys! A short theme song my wife and I composed to place at the beginning of upcoming dinosaur art videos. Enjoy!
Today’s doodle: Deinonychus antirrhopus and Tenontosaurus tilletti
Reblog and tag—or this Christmas instead of Santa Deinonychus will come down your chimney.
A bit off-topic, a game project I helped develop is up on Kickstarter, and could use your help! (I did the logo and the initial design pass on the characters, though another artist did the finals). It’s really a fun and zany concept; if you’re interested, check out the video and if you’re awesome donate! ;)
Today’s doodle: Concavenator corcovatus
With two humps on its back and an arsenal of charcharodontosaur teeth and claws, Concavenator could take Quasimodo any day. However, he might have trouble on an anatomical level ringing the bells in his stead ... so you’re safe for now Quasi, but watch your back. Hooo, I did not intend that politically incorrect pun but I’m leaving it! Apologies to my hunchback followers.
Concavenator’s back humps or spinal crests are a puzzling conundrum for scientists. What were they for? Was there a function, other than to look good for the ladies? On top of that, the bones of the forearms seem to indicate attachment points for quills. Could this be the only known feathered member of the allosaur family? And how would that work over the crest? Here, I chose to interpret the crest as a structure developed for the support of more quills for display. Inspiration for the shapes came from from the elaborate costumes of Native American eagle dancers.
As always, reblog if you’re a dinomaniac!
Little did Deinosuchus know that Monoclonius is Greek for "Freakin' Lasers for Eyes!" If you haven’t yet, you need to check out #AddLasersToPaleoart on twitter :} Link: https://twitter.com/hashtag/addlaserstopaleoart?src=hash
Velociraptor Makeover: Extended 20 Minute Edition: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gS8W5N2NBGA The original short (3 minute) video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDT5_vZPpVM&spfreload=10
It’s over 9,000! The view count on the raptor makeover video that is :) If you’re not familiar, the “Raptor Makeover” videos show the process of my painting over a Jurassic Park farme to update the look of the Jurassic World raptors to match the most recent discoveries. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to watch and to continue to share! Here’s the “extended cut” of the original vision as a thank you ;) Originally, the 20 minute version of the raptor makeover video was intended to launch the same weekend as the film. It was recorded in good time, but then my wife and I moved and had a baby, a twosome that can wreak just as much havoc on a schedule as a teamed up pack of velociraptors and a T. rex. I’m not complaining, though. Chris Pratt, you can have your raptor babies. Mine is much cuter :) *A note to my fellow dinomaniacs: “No tail fan, whaaaa!?” Good eye! I made the intentional decision to leave off the tail fan display based on variation within the fossil record. Most close relatives of Velociraptor do have display fans, but some slightly more distant ones did not. It’s a long shot, but an informed decision within the scope of believability, chosen for my personal taste. Reblog if you’re a dinomaniac!