Dear Little Devils,
It doesn’t matter if you have been naughty or nice, we’d like to invite you to our Secret Satan event! 😈
It’s almost that time of the year, and after thedeckerstarnetwork, DailyLuciferNetflix is having the honour to host this very special event! If you create graphics, gifsets, fanart, fanfiction or fanvideos you can register to the event here until November 26, and the gifters will post their arts on December 25.
Please read the rules carefully before submitting your application!
- please respect the deadlines: application ends on November 26 (you can expect our message about your giftee a few days later) and you will need to post your gift on December 25
- please consider the following rules about the format of the gifts:
- gifsets should contain at least 3 gifs
- fanfictions should be at least 750 words
- fanvideos should be at least 1:30 long
- we encourage you to anonymously contact your giftee if you feel like your prompt isn’t clear enough, or if you have any questions about their preferences
- if you’re a tumblr user please make sure your anon ask is enabled, and if you’re not a tumblr user please provide a contact where your gifter can approach you anonymously (obviously a media account or e-mail address you check regularly)
- please tag your gift as #secretsatan21 and #dailylucifernetflix so we can track and reblog all your arts on the day of the gifting, and don’t forget to tag you giftee as well!
- if for any reason you need to drop out, please do let us know so we can find a pinch hitter for your giftee
Is this what you desire? 😏 Then apply here!
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us! We will answer you and add the information to our upcoming posts we will make until the deadline.
Join us and spread the word! 🖤