Monster Family (2018) Review
This Anglo-German animation, based on a 4D movie ride at UK tourist attraction Wookey Hole, should definitely give Disney, Pixar and Illumination pause for thought. Specifically, the thought that they can phone it in for their next movie because there’s zero threat to their crown on the horizon. When a lonely Dracula (Jason Isaacs) identifies unhappy mum Emma (Emily Watson) as his perfect…
#2018#3/10#Animation#Benedikt Niemann#Bettina Kenney#Björn Teubner#Catharina Junk#Catherine Tate#Celia Imrie#Comedy#Daniel Ben Zenou#David Safier#Dracula#Emily Watson#Emma Tate#Ethan Rouse#Ewan Bailey#Family#Happy Family#Hendrik Schwarzer#Henning Ahlers#Holger Tappe#Isaac Rouse#Jason Isaacs#Jens Benecke#Jessica Brown Findlay#Jessica McDonald#Kirstie Falkous#Matthias Parchettka#Maya Gräfin Rothkirch