Craggus' Countdown To Infinity: Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Driven by recurring dreams of the destruction of Asgard, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) allows himself to be captured by fire demon Surtur in order to pre-empt and prevent Ragnarok. Returning to Asgard, Thor forces Loki (Tom Hiddleston) to reveal himself and confess to where Odin (Anthony Hopkins) is being held. But Odin’s absence has and Loki’s lack of attention to his duties has allowed the nine realms…
#2017#8/10#Abhishek Mehta#Action#Adam Green#Adventure#Aimee Duroux#Alia Seror-O&039;Neill#Amali Golden#Andrew#Andrew S McMillan#Anna Patch#Anthony Hopkins#Asgard#Ash Ricardo#Beatrice Ward#Benedict Cumberbatch#Bobby Hoskins#Brad Winderbaum#Braden Lewis#Brenton Ashe#Brian Chapek#Brittany Dugan#Brodie Cornish#Brooke McMaster#Cale Kampers#Charles Green#Charlotte Nicdao#Chris Hemsworth#Christopher Yost