Marriage is about as basic a right as there is.
Justice Breyer
The right to marriage is ... embedded in our Constitutional law. It is a fundamental right.
Justice Sotomayor
Same-sex couples say, 'Of course, we understand that nobility and sacredness of the marriage. We know we can't procreate, but we want the other attributes of it in order to show that we, too, have a dignity that can be fulfilled.'
Justice Kennedy on same-sex marriage
If Sue loves Joe and Tom loves Joe, Sue can marry him and Tom can't. And the difference is based upon their different sex. Why isn't that a straightforward question of sexual discrimination?
Chief Justice John Roberts on marriage equality
It's hard to see how permitting same-sex marriage discourages people from being bonded with their biological children.
Justice Elena Kagan
Supreme Court plaintiffs and other same-sex couples fighting for marriage equality! (see more photos)
Photography: Yannnick Delva/
Let the world know you're ready for marriage equality. #LoveMustWin Read what to expect at tomorrow's SCOTUS hearing: