The Lord has been teaching me so much about heart posture lately; so much so, it’s become my solitary mission in this season...leading both myself in a pursuit of heart-purity and helping others in the same direction. I’ve heard faithfulness defined as, “long obedience in the right direction.” Man I love that. It doesn’t negate the reality of falling over, but speaks volumes with regard our response to trials, tough times and doing things we know we shouldn’t. Nothing reveals the inner workings of our unseen spaces like difficult situations. Let’s be people of long obedience in the right direction; people who seek not just external obedience, but internal submission. That’s where it counts and it’s where the Lord is looking. In a world of external priorities, may we be looking inward and upward, hearing and healing — in all things, obeying His call. What a blessing to journey this with Jesus. A man who saw the perceived impossibility of this task, embraced our frame, walked our pain and revealed a higher way of living. It’s a return to prayer (dialogue, not monologue...listening more than talking...reading His Word and heeding to what He’s already said), worship (our whole beings aflame with love and adoration, offering every moment of every day to Him), and community (the authentic pursuit of loving, living with, learning from those God places around us). The world groans for our awakening, creation stands at attention — praise already on its lips — waiting for our response, for the anointing of God’s power and authority at work in us.
Never A Burden.
I know I just posted last night, but I woke up today with this phrase so strongly imprinted in my spirit, that I had to make this graphic first-thing today. I wrote this on yesterday’s post, but I feel such a strong pull from the Lord to make another post today where this is the focus, and I pray that this word is found anchored in your heart now and forevermore. So much more than we could ever ask, think, dream-up, imagine, and closer than the broken heart beat we feel in our chest, is Jesus. Again today, I release the testimony of “heart-knowledge”, I free your mind, YOUR mind, right this second to receive this word deep into your spirit in Jesus’ name. You AREN’T the sum of your past failures. You AREN’T the flaws you see reflected in the glass. You AREN’T a victim of previous thought patterns. You ARE enough. You ARE entirely wonderful. You ARE worthy of the most passionate love and honor. You ARE victorious through Christ in you. You’re NEVER a burden, and YOU, yes YOU, are ALWAYS His honor.
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So I'm currently caught in the balance between a crazy season at work, and the reality of the most wonderful holiday season here in the USA. It's so easy to let life consume us; to get overwhelmed at the slightest sense of pressure and busyness. I've been soaking to this song "Elohim" by @hillsongworship tonight. Such a beautiful reminder of God's dearest qualities. I love this lyric "His ways are higher than my own, His thoughts consume the great unknown". Take a breath. Breathe. Selah. The Father's holding you in His capable hands. His Son has already overcome, and already won EVERY battle and situation that you're facing. His Spirit has every practical resource that you'd ever need to get up and move forward. "I stand upon the solid rock of faith in Christ. This steadfast hope shall not break apart within the trial. I am assured His promises will never fail. As long as life remains He is faithful. God is patient. God is kind. He does not envy. He does not boast. His ways are higher than my own. His thoughts consume the great unknown. Of this alone I am sure, my God is love. I draw my breath under His created windswept sky. I know my hope shall last long after my flesh retires. From dusk until the dawn He calls His children home. His righteous love outlasts generations. He is Almighty God. Elohim. Maker of the earth. He is the Lord of hosts. Heaven’s King. God of endless worth. His kingdom stands above every power, every living soul. His love is like the sun, ever true, shining over all."
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Love Will Find A Way.
First things first, it's been a long time since I've written for this project - however I have some VERY exciting things to share with you in the coming weeks - stay tuned for more news soon!!
Today's been a wonderful day. The sun was shining, not a cloud in the sky, and it was perfectly warm - not too hot, just right!
The day was evidently filled with joy and laughter, but more importantly I was filled with an overwhelming sense of hope and delight from the Lord.
One thing you have to understand about me...I am a "Throwback Thursday" freak. Even when it's clearly not Thursday, I just adore old songs. It's no coincidence that the song that resounded deep in my spirit was a hit from 1985.
"Find A Way" was written by Amy Grant, and remains one of my all time favorites songs from her Unguarded album. This song speaks of undeniable hope amidst the hardships of life.
The reality is that with Christ, love WILL find a way.
His love flowing through us, is the power to change our relationships, friendships, and our interactions with the world around us. But also, capital Love is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
He's already won it all, so sit back, relax, and let Jesus (love personified) find a way...
Isaiah 43:16-19 "This is what the Lord says—He who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters, who drew out the chariots and horses, the army and reinforcements together, and they lay there, never to rise again, extinguished, snuffed out like a wick: “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."
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You Make Me Brave.
This song is just so good. I've been listening to it on repeat today - it's easily one of my all-time favorites from @bethelmusic . I won't say much - I want these amazing lyrics to speak for themselves - @amandalindseycook you say it best, ya little genius 😻⚡️😻⚡️
"I stand before You now. The greatness of your renown. I have heard of the majesty and wonder of you, King of Heaven, in humility, I bow. As Your love, in wave after wave, crashes over me, crashes over me. For You are for us, You are not against us. Champion of Heaven, You made a way for all to enter in. I have heard You calling my name. I have heard the song of love that You sing. So I will let You draw me out beyond the shore, into Your grace, Your grace. You make me brave, You make me brave. You call me out beyond the shore into the waves. You make me brave, You make me brave. No fear can hinder now the love that made a way. You make me brave, You make me brave. No fear can hinder now the promises you made."
I pray that His bravery and courage would sweep over you right now, and fill you with all the power and strength to face whatever you're going through. He is faithfully mighty in battle, and besides - He's already won!
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Whatever Is Pure (Philippians 4:8)
Me and the
team have spent the past week out in North Carolina on Jonathan and Melissa Helser's farm. It's been the most magical week full of dreaming, laughter, hard work, good food, and new friends.One of the many things about their lifestyle that impacted me, was their commitment to a healthy and clean lifestyle - both physically and spiritually. A real body, mind, and soul experience.
I felt the urge to be continually checking myself for impure thought patterns. Impurity of thought comes in many forms, whether that be with sexuality, arrogance, violence, hatred, jealousy, "victim mentality", and so forth.
I just love how the Lord always has answer to any problem we have, and His Spirit is always with us, encouraging us, guiding us, leading us on in His glorious redemption plan.
With my heart set on purity, my mind was stirred to Philippians 4:8 - such a well-known scripture, but one that I find is "easily quoted" but seldom "lived out".
Rather than condemn anyone, I just challenge you to take a moment and assess your situations. What are you thinking about? What is filling your mind right now? Is it healthy, is it honoring God? Take every thought captive, lay it before the cross, and ask for Holy Spirit's magnificent presence to be your guide and help to restore your conscience.
For more scripture-based art - look through this hashtag, it's a 30 day challenge - started by some wonderful friends on Instagram - to stay inspired, always be creating, and share the Word of God!
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In Christ Alone - dedicated to Christina Grimmie
I don't have words to begin to explain just how much I'm saddened by the news of the brutal murder of Christina Grimmie.
Her rendition of Stuart Townend's beautiful hymn "In Christ Alone" will always be a favorite of mine, and it's heart-wrenching to see someone's life cut short - especially someone who really shone the love of Jesus in their life. My prayers are with her family and all affected through her death.
"From life's first cry to final breath, Jesus commands my destiny. No power of hell, no scheme of man, can ever pluck me from His hand: Till He returns or calls me home, Here in the power of Christ I'll stand."
Such powerful words, such a beautiful declaration of allegience to Christ. It's my prayer that today, you'd take a moment to find peace, and let these words soak into your Spirit. Take courage. NOTHING can take His love from us. Don't let this tragic death, allow you to live in fear - for He has conquered ALL fear - we have NOTHING to fear.
"In Christ alone my hope is found, He is my light, my strength, my song; This Cornerstone, this solid Ground, Firm through the fiercest drought and storm. What heights of love, what depths of peace, When fears are stilled, when strivings cease! My Comforter, my All in All, Here in the love of Christ I stand.
In Christ alone! - who took on flesh, Fullness of God in helpless babe. This gift of love and righteousness, Scorned by the ones He came to save: Till on that cross as Jesus died, The wrath of God was satisfied - For every sin on Him was laid; Here in the death of Christ I live.
There in the ground His body lay, Light of the world by darkness slain: Then bursting forth in glorious day, Up from the grave He rose again! And as He stands in victory, Sin's curse has lost its grip on me, For I am His and He is mine - Bought with the precious blood of Christ.
No guilt in life, no fear in death, This is the power of Christ in me; From life's first cry to final breath, Jesus commands my destiny. No power of hell, no scheme of man, Can ever pluck me from His hand: Till He returns or calls me home, Here in the power of Christ I'll stand."
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Amazing Grace - original print from The Worship Project.
Just like that, I've completed my 10-day visual hymnal mini-project! I couldn't leave out the most widely celebrated and loved hymn of all time. I've deliberately made today's artwork quite different from my usual style. I want this image to speak where words fail. I want you to feel the weight of such amazing, beautiful grace, as Jesus walked to calvary alone. He gave His life, rejected, beaten, and alone. Grace is extended to us through this prolific act of sacrificial love. I pray that you would encounter amazing grace; that you would feel His love wrap around you, meeting you right where you are. "Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now I see. T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear. And Grace, my fears relieved. How precious did that Grace appear, The hour I first believed. Through many dangers, toils and snares, I have already come; 'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far, and Grace will lead me home. The Lord has promised good to me. His word my hope secures. He will my shield and portion be, As long as life endures. When we've been there ten thousand years, Bright shining as the sun. We've no less days to sing God's praise, Than when we've first begun."
The Visual Hymnal #10
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He Giveth More Grace - original print from The Worship Project.
Part of why I love this Worship Project so much, is it gives me a chance to be honest. I have a platform to share, to be vulnerable, and in turn, I get to see others gain from the lessons that I'm learning each day.
This week has been a real up-hill battle for me. We've got our first Bethel Music conference in Los Angeles this week, and we've been in over our heads at work. Typically, I find busy seasons easier because it usually leaves little time to let any temptation consume me.
There have been times this week where I've won battles, and there have been times where I've lost.
However, no matter how many battles I win, or equally how many times I fall flat on my face, my courage and strength comes from KNOWING that He's won the battle.
The struggle and battle has already been won, but it's up to us to choose to PARTNER with that victory. This week has been me re-learning to put my hands up in surrender, and grasp His hands of victory.
We can't win by ourselves, and praise God we don't have to!
I'll leave you with these lyrics from a wonderful hymn "He Giveth More Grace" - what a wonderful encouragement that hymn is!
"He giveth more grace as our burdens grow greater, He sendeth more strength as our labors increase; To added afflictions He addeth His mercy, To multiplied trials He multiplies peace.
When we have exhausted our store of endurance, When our strength has failed ere the day is half done, When we reach the end of our hoarded resources. Our Father’s full giving is only begun.
Fear not that thy need shall exceed His provision, Our God ever yearns His resources to share; Lean hard on the arm everlasting, availing; The Father both thee and thy load will upbear.
His love has no limits, His grace has no measure, His power no boundary known unto men; For out of His infinite riches in Jesus, He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again."
The Visual Hymnal #9
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What A Friend We Have In Jesus - original print from The Worship Project.
This sweet sweet hymn was written by Joseph. M. Scriven in 1855, as a poem to comfort his mother who at the time lived far from him, in another country. The truth of this timeless song, should serve as a wonderful encouragement for us all. No matter what we face, Jesus is there. He stands beside alongside us, bearing our burdens, leading us safely through the trials and temptations that we encounter. I pray the truth and beauty of Jesus' friendship will be your comfort today and always. Rest in the arms of Jesus; He's been a faithful friend since the dawn of time, and He hasn't forgotten you! "What a Friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer! O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer. Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged; take it to the Lord in prayer. Can we find a friend so faithful who will all our sorrows share? Jesus knows our every weakness; take it to the Lord in prayer. Are we weak and heavy laden, cumbered with a load of care? Precious Savior, still our refuge, take it to the Lord in prayer. Do your friends despise, forsake you? Take it to the Lord in prayer! In His arms He’ll take and shield you; you will find a solace there. Blessed Savior, Thou hast promised Thou wilt all our burdens bear, may we ever, Lord, be bringing all to Thee in earnest prayer. Soon in glory bright unclouded there will be no need for prayer, rapture, praise and endless worship will be our sweet portion there."
The Visual Hymnal #8
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It Is Well With My Soul - original print from The Worship Project.
For those of you who aren't familiar with the story behind this hymn, allow me to introduce you to a story of love, loss, and incredible faith and resilience. This hymn was written by Horatio Spafford in 1873. He was a wealthy business man from Chicago. After the Chicago fire of 1871 had completely destroyed his business and home, he sent his wife Anna and 4 daughters ahead of him, on a ship to France from New York. At around 2am their ship collided with another ship in the mid-Atlantic. It took only 12 minutes for the ship to sink, killing 226 passengers - only 61 passengers survived, one being Horatio's wife. She was found unconscious on a plank of wood at sea. Once recovered in France, she sent the now-famous telegram to her husband "Saved. Alone." After receiving Anna's telegram, Horatio left Chicago to bring his wife home. On the Atlantic crossing, the captain of his ship called Horatio to his cabin to tell him that they were passing over the spot where his four daughters had perished. As he sailed over the waters where his 4 daughters died, Holy Spirit inspired the words to this beautiful hymn, which he wrote on the voyage. "When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, It is well, it is well, with my soul. It is well, with my soul, It is well, with my soul, It is well, it is well, with my soul. My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought! My sin, not in part but the whole, Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more, Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul! And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight, The clouds be rolled back as a scroll; The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend, Even so, it is well with my soul." Wow. What incredible faith and hope amidst such pain, loss, and heartbreak. I pray that no matter where you find yourself today, these words touch your life, and give you the strength to put one foot in front of the other, as you follow Jesus through it all.
The Visual Hymnal #7
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My Jesus, I Love Thee - original print from The Worship Project.
Today's hymn comes from 1864, written by a then 14 year old William Featherston. Not much is known about this man's life, as he passed away at only 27 years old. When he was only 14 years old, he wrote this poem and mailed it to his Aunt. It was after his death that the poem was given a melody and thus propelling it into hymnals across the world. One lesson that I've learned from this story, is to love Jesus above all, and worship Him no matter your circumstances. William never knew that writing a poem to his Aunt could change the world, but he wrote it anyway. How many of us are seeking fame, followers, likes, and approval through our "worship"? It's been a very real thing for me personally with this project. To constantly lay down any crowns that are given to us, for His glory. I pray that we might all be a people who are found faithful in the eyes of the Father, doing whatever our hands find to do, with ALL our might, as though doing it for the Lord. Read this wonderful poem/hymn, and let your heart be engaged. Let your love for Jesus be taken to a new level! "My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine; For Thee all the follies of sin I resign. My gracious Redeemer, my Savior art Thou; If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now. I love Thee because Thou has first loved me, And purchased my pardon on Calvary’s tree. I love Thee for wearing the thorns on Thy brow; If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now. I’ll love Thee in life, I will love Thee in death, And praise Thee as long as Thou lendest me breath; And say when the death dew lies cold on my brow, If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now. In mansions of glory and endless delight, I’ll ever adore Thee in heaven so bright; I’ll sing with the glittering crown on my brow; If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now."
The Visual Hymnal #6
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How Great Thou Art - original print from The Worship Project.
Apologies for the long gap in between posts - I've been away with our wonderful Bethel Music creative team, on a documentary/film shoot in Santa Cruz, CA.
While I was away, I was impacted so deeply by the beauty of God's creation. From the soaring cliffs on the 101, to the rugged Monterey Bay, to the beautifully unique people scattered across Central California.
Paul talks about this in Romans 1:20; "For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."
I was reminded of this stunning hymn from 1885 by Stuart K. Hine. The first three verses were inspired, line upon line, amidst unforgettable experiences in the Carpathian Mountains. In a mountain village Mr. Hine stood in the street preaching the gospel. A storm was gathering, and it was evident that no further travel could be made that night, a friendly schoolmaster offered his home for accommodation.
That night, the incredibly powerful storm rolled through. Awe-inspiring was the mighty thunder echoing through the mountains, and it was this scene that brought about the birth of the first verse.
I love this hymn. I love the triumphant declaration that the chorus brings. I pray that you're moved by the beauty of creation that surrounds you. In the same way, I pray your heart sings afresh of His kindness and goodness, that is resting upon your life.
"O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder, Consider all the worlds thy hands have made, I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, Thy power throughout the universe displayed:
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to thee: How great thou art! How great thou art!
When through the woods and forest glades I wander, And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees, When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur, And hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze:
And when I think that God, his Son not sparing, Sent him to die, I scarce can take it in, That on the cross, my burden gladly bearing, He bled and died to take away my sin.
When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation, And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart! Then I shall bow in humble adoration, And there proclaim, My God, how great thou art!"
The Visual Hymnal #5
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Great Is Thy Faithfulness - original print from The Worship Project.
This hymn has seen me through more of life's hard times than any other song I know. I remember when I first started this Worship Project, I worked at a department store in New Zealand with my call time at 5.30am. Depending on my schedule I often didn't have access to a car, so I would walk - in the middle of winter, freezing cold, pitch black, and foggy. I felt like my life was going nowhere, and that my life had no impact. However, amidst one of the most depressing and mundane times in my life, there was nothing like spending time in worship. I would spend my hour-long walk to work, singing a song of victory - a hymn of thankfulness for His faithfulness to me - even when I didn't understand His process or timing. I pray that just as these lyrics have warmed my heart - over and over again - that you would find your heart touched, inspired, and turned toward Jesus. Even when it feels hopeless and mundane, sing a song of thankfulness for His faithfulness, and let everything that's within you give praise to the Lord! "Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father; There is no shadow of turning with Thee, Thou changest not, Thy compassions they fail not, As Thou hast been, Thou forever wilt be. Great is Thy faithfulness! Morning by morning new mercies I see. All I have needed Thy hand hath provided, Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me! Summer and winter and springtime and harvest, Sun, moon, and stars in their courses above; Join with all nature in manifold witness, To Thy great faithfulness, mercy, and love. Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth, Thine own great presence to cheer and to guide; Strength for today, and bright hope for tomorrow. Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!"
The Visual Hymnal #4
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Abide With Me - original print from The Worship Project.
I want to share the beautiful story behind this special hymn. "Abide With Me" was written by a then terminally ill Henry F. Lyte in 1847.
Henry was inspired to write this hymn as he was dying of tuberculosis; he finished it the same Sunday that he gave his farewell sermon in the parish he served so many years. The next day, he left for Italy to regain his health. However, he never made it. Not 3 weeks after writing those timeless words, Henry passed away in Nice, France.
His wife wrote, "This tune was written at a time of great sorrow—when together we watched, as we did daily, the glories of the setting sun. As the last golden ray faded, he took some paper and penciled that tune which has gone all over the earth."
Can you image what faith and joy He possessed amidst such sorrow and physical pain? Even when he was on death's bed, He chose to call Jesus closer - what a beautiful thought.
How quick we are to turn our backs on Jesus, when it seems that things aren't going our way, or when life's too hard.
This hymn serves as a hauntingly beautiful reminder, that while life is hard, and though the world may fall away from underneath us, nothing can separate us from the love of Christ.
If Jesus' made His home in your heart - He's not leaving, no matter what circumstances you find yourself caught up in.
I pray these words and this melody finds you wrapped in the arms of Jesus, knowing that He abides in us, and we in Him.
The Visual Hymnal #3
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Be Thou My Vision - original print from The Worship Project.
This is one of my all-time favorite hymns. Written by Irish Christian poet Saint Dallan in the 6th century, it was later translated to English in 1912 to the tune that we know commonly today. The lyrics have deeply impacted me over the years, and spurred me forward in my walk with Christ. A new imagining of this timeless hymn was recently released by Audrey Assad for her "Inheritance" record - which is flawless if you're looking for a new worship album. I want to leave you with the full lyrics of this beautiful hymn. My hope is that you'll let these lyrics wash over you afresh - even if you can recite them in your sleep. Holy Spirit, would you come and lead us, draw us back to you. Gently take us by the hand, wooing and calling us further and deeper into Your glorious presence. Be our vision; our complete 360-blueprint. We don't want to take a single step without you. "Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart; Naught be all else to me, save that thou art; Thou my best thought, by day or by night, Waking or sleeping, thy presence my light. Be thou my Wisdom, and thou my true Word; I ever with thee and thou with me, Lord; Thou my great Father, and I thy true son, Thou in me dwelling, and I with thee one. Riches I heed not, nor man's empty praise; Thou mine inheritance, now and always; Thou and thou only, first in my heart, High King of heaven, my treasure thou art. High King of heaven, my victory won, May I reach heaven's joys, O bright heaven's Sun! Heart of my own heart, whatever befall, Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all."
The Visual Hymnal #2
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Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus - original print from The Worship Project.
For the past week or so, I've been wondering what I could do to re-ignite the fire of creativity into this aspect of my worship. I've been finding more and more, that I get a literal "writer's block" when I'm trying to make these custom worship art pieces. There's many different things that I could do to combat this, but I decided to try another "project-within-a-project" for the next while. Amidst the craziness of this past week, I found myself prostrate on the floor last night, letting my heavy heart rest and be refreshed in the presence of my Savior. I listened to "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" and my eyes filled with tears of gratitude as I looked to Jesus and put my faith, trust, and hope in Him again afresh. Life is hard, it's exhausting, it's wild, and somehow it's a bunch of fun within that! We're all human, none of us are exempt from the weariness of life - of even doing good, as scripture says. So, today is a simple reminder. Push back your chair, clear the schedule, and take time to REST. To sit in His presence, with no other agenda. He loves to be with us - real communion is so much more than breaking bread and wine once a month. As my personal form of remembrance, I'm going to make the next 10 art pieces using lyrics from treasured hymns. Songs that for hundreds of years, have taught us God's Word, and brought us back to our knees, time and again. Love you, praying for you, and believing that all you need is truly found in Him and His presence x
The Visual Hymnal #1
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