I haven't posted in agesssss....so might as well post these round birb studies, perhaps the best bodyplan the avian theropods have ever achieved
Cobboldia russanovi, an extinct, wooly mammoth parasitizing botfly.
Like other members of the genus, the larvae of these flies feed and develop in the stomachs and oral cavities of Proboscideans, and due to it’s specialization in wooly mammoths, it subsequently went extinct alongside it’s host.
Welcome Ardenna buchananbrowni, a recently described diving shearwater from the Pliocene Tangahoe Formation of New Zealand
“Easy Quarry”
A sketch of Khinjaria acuta, a recently described mosasaurid with it’s quarry, stelladens.
A lone Napier’s caracara with a meal it has acquired, the wing of Bulweria bifax.
A young Cooper’s hawk perches upon the bare branches, as the young bird rests, a small flock of Passenger pigeons fly by. Such abundant birds would’ve been a regular food source for the hawks, but that was not to last…
A juvenile Giant moa, Dinornis robustus
A Great auk, a young individual, swims about in the seas of the North Atlantic. Once a common sight, now reduced to nothing but memories
“Evening Lookout”
Gobivenator perches atop a small shrub, as the full moon climbs higher into the sky
A quick little sketch of Wulong bohaiensis with some new equipment
A Pravitoceras spreads it's arms, in an attempt to capture any morsels foating around in the water column.
Well hello Tumblr ! I'm the Paleoraptor and I'm an artist that works mostly on Digital and a bit in traditional ! I mostly focus on Maniraptorans & obscure prehistoric fauna (with some other stuff inbetween too) !
I'll definitely get around posting my art here, but in the meantime have some of the stuff I've made :)