So. The Pillars of Creation are in the Eagle Nebula, which is of course a system you can visit in Mass Effect. But I have seen theories that the Pillars actually no longer exist. We just can't see their destruction yet, because they're 7,000 light years away and the light that would show it to us hasn't reached us yet.
Which now has me doing a lot of thinking about what humanity sees in their night sky on Earth verses the reality that's available with FTL and relays.
Imagine being a quarian who could look at an alien sky and still see a Rannoch that was theirs?
Imagine being someone who had loved ones in the Bahak System, looking through an alien telescope and seeing it still unbroken and whole?
Survivors of a reaper cycle could flee to the other side of the galaxy and look back to a time where reapers didn't exist.
It's gone forever. You can still see it in the sky.
I'm going to go lie down for a while.