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Nysh’s niche

@the-nysh /

Just trying to chill but has too many feelings. Thrives on meta, fics, and art. ONE-centric (opm+mp100) See about for more fandom info.
Anonymous asked:

Wake up pika, new hori sketch of best boy! What does the text say?

For those who'd like some context, Best Jeanist won a Best Jeanist award this year. You can read about it here, which you can read in English via Google Translate here.

The award was accepted on Best Jeanist's behalf by his voice actor, Hikaru Midorikawa. His acceptance is seen in the video below.

In celebration, Horikoshi drew a sketch for us!

Horikoshi's comment reads:


In English:

Best Jeanist has received the Best Jeanist Special Contribution Award! Thank you very much!

The text in the sketch reads

Best Jeanist: ベストジーニスト特別貢献賞ありがとう! Horikoshi: 僕は今週火曜に聞いてびっくりしました! ヒロアカはわりと、現実と漫画の 境を曖昧にしたいというか! 読者を当事者に巻き込めないか 考えていた部分があるので 今回の受賞はその思いを叶えて いただいたようで嬉しかったです! 選んでいただきありがとうございました! ヴィランとの戦闘で登壇できない ジーにストに代わり登壇して下さった 緑川さんお忙しい中ありがとうございました! Katsuki: すげえ Side text: ベストジーニスト


Best Jeanist: Thank you for the Best Jeanist Special Contribution Award! Horikoshi: I was surprised when I heard this on Tuesday this week! HeroAca really wants to blur the line between reality and manga! Part of me was thinking about whether I could involve the readers in the story, so I was happy to see him receive this award because it made that wish come true! Thank you for choosing us! Thank you to Mr. Midorikawa, who took time out of his busy schedule to take the stage in place of Jeanist, who was unable to appear on stage due to a battle with a villain! Katsuki: Awesome Side text: Best Jeanist

Thanks @bakuhatsufallinlove for help collecting the info!

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