Hey Ya'll!!
These past few weeks have been completely gobbled up and spat out to dry by the learning place of hell.. Otherwise known as school. Block exams are coming up again next week. Here are my tips on how to maintain your stress! Trust me, I have had to train myself to not get so worked up so easily. 1. Take a breather. When many students do more than one really hard, time consuming subject, it becomes easier and easier to start feeling overwhelmed. When your eyes start to burn because of the continuous computer screens and multiple, multiple text books and when your brain starts to melt from all the unnecessary facts, it is time to stop. Run a bath, go outside or get some food. Just do something that doesn't take up too much time. You can't spend all day bludging. 2. Ask for help! If there is something on a revision sheet or a question on an assignment you don't know how to do, make sure you ask straight away. It's better you get it finished rather than avoiding it and panicking when it's due the next day and you haven't finished. 3. Way your options out carefully. When you're trying to decide whether you should go that massive party the night before an exam or not.. Decide whether or not it is a good idea carefully. If you want to be tired and hungover the night before a huge test, well.. that's your decision. 4. Be Prepared! This is the biggest tip I can possibly give you! Write to do lists, schedules, use post-it notes.. Just organize the heck out of everything! The more planning you have done, the easier it is to finish everything. This way, time is under your control and not flying out the window.
So, to everyone about to sit their exams, GOOD LUCK! And too all people that have just graduated and such.. GOOD LUCK to you as well!
Happiness is.. A stress free day.
Until next Wednesday.. Have happy thoughts