Don't laugh at this because "Oh those silly monster f*ckers." This is a giant freaking RED FLAG just like with Only Fans.
the sheer amount of control ad agencies and payment providers hold over culture is actually horrifying. if a site gets blacklisted by both, it's just fucking gone unless it's willing to take the risk of using crypto for payments (actually one of the only practical uses for crypto)
if someone so much as sends you a note in something like cashapp or paypal with something remotely sexual in it, you can get your account frozen with the money still inside. it doesn't matter if it was perfectly legal and above-board stuff like hentai or erotica, because the corporations don't like those and that's all that matters
similarly this is why sites are extremely touchy about wording and tags when it comes to anything remotely adjacent to sex. if you use the wrong word and don't change it, years of work or even your entire livelihood can effectively be deleted in seconds
nobody ever talks about this because it's career poison to do it, but porn is basically already "illegal" in the vast majority of cases because if your money touches it, you're operating outside of terms of service and risking some corporate asshole deciding your smut is wretched enough to necessitate the destruction of your finances, and by proxy, your life