#i hate sdc even more right now – @thatwasmyperfectending on Tumblr

201004 yibo’s weibo update

i’m not that great of a dancer. in the captain’s opening show i placed fourth… but 一波王炸 boom is really amazing. with my excited heart, i’m proud of them! respect to them!!! [tagged all his team members]
@/bouboo: thank you for coming to china. thank you for telling me ‘easy’ because i wanted to win. i’m really happy that you and chinese dancer’s have mutual love for one another. thank you for all that you’ve done for the future generation of street dance!
@/yangkai: thank you for making me feel satisfied. congratulations on becoming this season’s campion!!! you’re thirty but you’re not tired! a generation of dancer’s idol!!! too boom!!!
but i also want to say… when it first started i really wanted to win. in my world, everything that has a lose or win no matter how big or small, if you participate you should follow the rules of the game and i want to win it. 
but sdc changed me. everyone fighting together to let others acknowledge street dance and like street dance is much more meaningful than losing or winning. 
now i’m proud of all the dancers! i am proud of all the staff who worked on this behind the scenes!!! every time people who are passionate about street dance come together to dance it should be our party!!!
finally, using the words that han-ge told me yesterday to finish this journey:  treat people sincerely, learn things modestly and put your heart into the things you do. as people, we should be broad-minded and do things all the way through!
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