Much like Edison fucked over Tesla in a successful attempt to get all the money and influence from the new industry.
this makes me kick my feet up behind me in bed
I love how it doesn't matter what expedition it is.
They all turn into excited kids when they meet penguins.
covenant assault carrier inbound
[muttering feverishly] I need to chase that man around my gothic manor in a silk nightgown
we take turns
Christ alive
i love how only a FRACTION of these have any recognizable gendered cultural meaning and yet she has built that meaning in herself and keeps them completely separated
I see those "every family has that one cousin who's severely mentally ill", but considering how my mom once made me promise not to tell the extended family that I had attempted suicide a week before my cousin's confirmation party (like they literally picked me up from psych ward to attend it, I changed from hospital clothes to party clothes in a truck stop bathroom on our way there) because "it would just upset people for no reason", I'm starting to suspect that some families are 100% mentally ill but everyone's pressuring their kids to not show any symptoms in front of the big family in order to save face.
i thought this was a hospital drama why does he have a shotgun?!??!?
It's a really, really good hospital drama
I'm so glad I turned on the Audio bc it turns out this is set to Boney M's Rasputin and is basically perfectly synced
you're worried about the shotgun and not the bazooka
the world is running out of glassblowers and yet you want to become a fucking doctor
One of the most jarring moments of my university education was in a physics class when I was given a device that measures gravity and was told “this cost the university sixteen thousand dollars, but the only glass blower in the world who could make the glass springs inside it died so it’s literally irreplaceable. If you drop it those springs will shatter. Go fuck around with it for a day and take some measurements”
mad?? i would KILL to have that shirt
In space, nobody can hear you in space.
writing is so fun
writing is impossible why does anyone do this