honestly “Aztec sacrifice was good” is up there with “mountains are moral objects in their own right” in discourse that makes me love Tumblr, I mean what else are you going to do, complain about the DNC on Twitter?
Is France Real? Is probably my favorite argumate discourse devolution, personally.
Wait what, I don’t remember that one
Basically it was around the question of whether or not god exists with the concession that God is just as real as Harry Potter, which is to say that Harry Potter exists in our world as a character who has moral and political influence on the people who care about him and that got a bunch of people really angry and then it devolved into “perhaps we can instead say that God is real in the way that the country of France is real, which is to say as a human construction that has a lot of power over a lot of people’s lives but that certainly didn’t exist when dinosaurs walked the earth” and then it devolve into “what are you talking about of fucking course france is real” and then it was a whole bunch of interesting conversations about reality. I tried to find the original thread but here’s a post that was part of the fallout: https://argumate.tumblr.com/post/170849377494/eightyonekilograms-oligopsoneia
France may or may not exist but croissants definitely exist and this is a pâtisserie I will die on if necessary
“borders are debatable, bread is not” is actually not bad as a philosophical foundation.