brought some fruit for the potluck
A dark, foreboding feeling overtakes you. You know this face, even in its absence.
@tevintersoldier /
brought some fruit for the potluck
A dark, foreboding feeling overtakes you. You know this face, even in its absence.
is this anything?
God, what have you done?
CHAPPELL ROAN performing 'Pink Pony Club' on Saturday Night Live
this is killing me. get cherried idiot
What if we return to the ruins of Skyhold in Dragon Age: The Veilguard and the DAI main theme plays in minor key, what then?
OK so I didn't do minor key but this is a sketchup of a piano arrangement because I tried to do full instruments and I got too caught up in that and needed to pare it back to basics before actually orchestrating it.
Update: I'm depressed and yearning and I'm making it everybody else's problem.
I finally found an excuse to draw the most sinful side eye this demon ever did make
Crowley still dreams about Aziraphale
fuck all the other bots this is by far the most ominous message i’ve received
"Angel…would you let me, if…if I were to kiss you now?"
"…you know we can’t…"
"That’s not what I asked."
My take on what could have happened between 1941 and 1967. It’s 1958 and Crowley was feeling wine-brave and love-sick.
i drew this with a certain ending in mind, but left it open ended for you to decide. if you want to read the version of events that i didn't intend for (lol), i wrote a little ficlet to go with this.
They had settled into comfortable silence some time ago. That in itself was a novelty for them, to have enough time to spend together that they could devote some of it just to…nothing. And yet it seemed that Crowley was about to disagree. Aziraphale could feel him staring, and most of all, he could feel him thinking. That leg hadn’t stopped bouncing in five minutes and it was slowly driving him nuts. He wondered what moral dilemma was swirling on his serpent’s tongue, ready to raise Aziraphale’s hackles.
Aziraphale looked over to him and his heart kicked up in speed.
Find the rest on AO3
Good Omens Season 3 Confirmed (trailer)
especially for you, my dear friend :3
here is Crowley's version, in case whoever sees this post isn't in the mood to look for it.
Also here is another version of Aziraphael's dress that I ended up discarding:
Hope you guys like it :3 ♡
(I will make some arts of this version of them thogether, btw. Just wait)
Hawke family
I used to be a grader and an occasional substitute prof for an introductory astronomy lab. That means that the majority of the people in this lab are only taking it because it’s a requirement and about half of them think it’s an astrology class.
I was grading midterms and this one girl. She was so nice and I think she was a business major. Fuck. The question on the midterm was to draw a diagram of the solar system and this poor girl. This fucking girl had drawn a Mars-centric solar system. As in every planet and the sun were orbiting Mars. I now actually have a custom Cards Againsy Humanity card I got at a con that says “A Mars-centric solar system”
I had a boy argue with me that there was liquid water on the moon (this was around when they had found liquid water on Mars in ~2015) and he wouldn’t believe me that he likely meant Mars and not the moon. After I marked his answer to the relevant lab question wrong, he took it to the department head who had promptly laughed him out of the office.
And there was another boy who, during a lab in our observatory where we would look at certain things in the sky, asked where the sun was. At 10pm in November. After some questioning it was revealed that he thought the moon and the sun were the same thing.
My friend, whom I love dearly, found out that the moon orbits the earth as a 20-year-old in an upper-level political science class, and was utterly and completely flabbergasted. When questioned, her defense was that she doesn’t have anything to do with the moon, so why would she have needed to know?
i was once talking to a friend of mine about how at that point in time you could see mars, jupiter, and venus at the same time, which was pretty cool, and she said “where’s pluto? wait, it was destroyed” and that’s how i found out that my friend, who is in her third year of a medical degree, thought that pluto stopped being a planet because it was eaten by a black hole.
When i was in physics class my sophomore year of high school, the teacher drew a simplified diagram of a person standing on the planet earth as part of the explanation for how it was initially discovered that the earth was round. And one girl sitting in the class said “wait… we live on the OUTSIDE???” she had spent her whole life thinking that the earth was a hollow sphere and that we lived on the inner walls of it
i had a coworker in his early twenties who, when i mentioned seeing admiring how bright mars was that morning on the drive to work, laughed and said ‘mars? like the planet?’ and i was like ‘yeah mars the planet. it looks like a very bright star, it was supposed to be extra bright and close lately.’ and he got quiet and oddly worried and he said, quietly, carefully, ’…are planets… real?’ like he was checking to see if i was completely insane.
i experienced a brief moment of crisis and said back ’yes. planets are real. did you…. think they weren’t real?’ and he looked even more disturbed and said, ‘no. they’re just made up for movies and shit, right?’ and i was totally horrified by this point and said ‘planets are real. the solar system has nine of them. the universe has billions of them. we make up fictional planets for movies but there are definitely real planets that actually exist.’
he said, like he sincerely thought i was fucking with him, ‘how do you know planets are real?’
i said, ‘i’ve seen them. i’ve seen saturn through a telescope. you can go outside right now and see mars and venus in the sky. i swear that planets are a real thing.’
he said, muttering now, ‘well, maybe that’s just what you think.’
the conversation did not get any better from there.
Y’know, as an erotica editor, I’ve read many euphemisms for female genitalia over the years, but somehow I’ve managed to go nearly a decade without ever once reading the phrase “her throbbing jazz café”. Until now.
now I will never in my life upon walking into a jazz café be able to utter the phrase “wow, this jazz café is throbbing” with a clear conscience, thanks!
so far I’ve avoided this conundrum by avoiding jazz cafés and it’s worked out just fine
Sam Reid as Lestat de Lioncourt Interview with the Vampire, Season 1
How did I go from growin' up to breaking down? And will you still want me When I'm nothing new? — Nothing New (Taylor’s Version) ft. Phoebe Bridgers