#spiders – @terpsikeraunos on Tumblr

delighting in lightning

@terpsikeraunos /

she/her. ancient greek & latin literature, translation, philology, cats.♡

there’s a spider sitting on my Loeb…i’m glad my arachnid friend appreciates ancient greek literature

today i was working on a lesson plan and a spider would not get off wheelock’s latin textbook until i transferred it elsewhere with a bookmark. spiders are classicists, confirmed.

this time a small wolf spider was hanging out on my greek dictionary! 🕷️


do spiders like music??? i was playing an irish folk song on my viola and a wolf spider wandered out and sat near me.

Spiders create music to attract their partners, scientists have revealed. By using leaves to transmit vibrations, the spiders create sounds to serenade females. [source]

...........i accidentally seduced a spider i guess i’m a bard now


do spiders like music??? i was playing an irish folk song on my viola and a wolf spider wandered out and sat near me.

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