Yesterday, after that other group won the fan voting award, a lot of people on twitter (I'm talking about ARMYs) started saying how we all should feel embarrassed because we can't even give the boys a fan voting award and we're shit when it comes to voting awards, etc. I wasn't in the mood to fight with anyone, but I just want to say that NOBODY has the right to say ugly things to the rest of the fandom just because the boys didn't win a popularity award it's not like they lost the grand prize +
+ and ARMY did their best voting for those popularity awards, but yes we couldn’t win, so what? Can people stop being so fuckery for just once please? Besides, a lot of us study and work and we have a lot to do in our personal lives, we can’t stay voting 24/7. I’m sick of people shitting on their own fandom, they make you feel like trash and it’s not like the boys are going to die just because they didn’t win a popularity award. I mean, they are the most popular group right now, like please.
Louder for those in the back!!!!! 🗣🗣🗣👏👏👏It’s not the end of the world if they don’t win an award,especially popularity one. Yes,It would’ve been nice to get it and like you said they are the most popular group now,they don’t need an award to confirm that. This behavior towards others is really ugly, guilt tripping others and calling them bad fans and why? Becauae they didn’t vote. Can we just stop for a second and think about that a little, how stupid that is? No one is obligated to vote. Like you said,people have lives, voting is last thing on their mind sometimes and that’s okay,there is nothing wrong about that and they are not bad fans because of that!!!!