Industrial cider is often packed with sugar to make the product taste better. For instance Koppaberg Strawberry and Lime, has 50g of sugar per 500ml bottle, the equivalent of 13 teaspoons. Real cider like TeePee cider has NO added sugar and the sugar in the apple is fermented out to produce the alcohol. (Disclaimer: a wee bit of sugar is added to ferment out as the fizz as happens in champagne too, called liqueur de tirage) Thanks to Cider Review #apples #cider #sugar
Dyer’s Pass Perry pears maturing nicely at Beau Vista orchard in the Wairarapa. A couple of months off harvesting now. Weather continues to be good for a great harvest. #pears #perry #orchard #wairarapa #Aotearoa
Another special barrel of 2020 - Kingston black SV cider about to be riddled in the Rotojolly. Then onto disgorging and recapping. It tasted superb before the secondary fermentation, so impatient to retry it. But good cider takes time. Only 155 bottles. #cider #KingstonBlack
Check out the latest cider musings on TeePee Cider. An interesting question “why do some yeasts make alcohol?” It costs them. #Yeast #cider #wine #beer #bread #alcohol #fermentation
The Shropshire sheep at Beau Vista orchard seeking solace from a sweet Chestnut tree after being chucked out of the orchard prior to harvest. 🙃 #sheep #ShropshireSheep #apples #cider #orchard #grazing
Coming to the Wairarapa very soon. 22nd Feb The inaugural Greytown Cider and Fruit Wine Festival. Cider Food and Music. Teepee Cider will have a stall there. Come along and enjoy a great summer day just an hour away from Wellington. #Cider #wairarapa #greytown #MolewoodOrchard
Best political retort. During the 1840 presidential election, Whig candidate William Harrison, at the age of 67, was thought to be too old to hold office. He was ridiculed in the Baltimore Republican, “Give him a barrel of hard cider, and settle a pension on him ... he will sit the remainder of his days in his log cabin by the side of the fire and study moral philosophy!”. Harrison’s ( pre Democrat) party seized upon the mockery and used it to their advantage. They put the slogan “Log Cabin and Hard Cider” on a wide range of campaign paraphernalia to portray the aristocratic Harrison as a man of the people. He romped home. #politics #cider #hardcider #USA
Kingston Black apples maturing in Beau Vista orchard. A beautiful sight to see. the boughs are so heavy laden they are resting on the beach hedge.
Fruits of Beau Vista orchards. Apart from Cider apples and perry pears we grow medlars to add to Teepee Cider cider, as is recorded in the golden age of cider making -the C17th. Good crop this year and new trees have been plan to increase the crop. #medlar #cider #orchards #apple
Cider is made in so many countries now on all continents ( apart from possibly Antarctica ) . New world and old. So many styles. A celebration. #cider
Apples and pears are not the only fruit we grow at Beau Vista orchards. Here are the greengages . Good crop this year . A type of plum originally from Iran. Delicious raw with yogurt and honey. They have ave a sweet, honeyed, and syrup-like flesh combined with acidity, creating a balanced and pleasant flavor composed of dried apricot, ripe mango, and citrus marmalade nuances. #Orchard #greengage #fruit #plum
Yesterday at TeePee Cider, we had a visit by agricultural Professors from the Chinese Agricultural Research Institute Beijing and the Chinese embassy. Great few hours discussing cider production and agriculture in general here and in China. They are mechanising and investing in AI given the rise of labour rates. Striking similarities between the changes there and Britain in the Industrial Revolution centuries ago with the rural exodus. #cider #research #agriculture #China
Sage advice. Whether it is native bush, commercial orchards, rural, urban, or community orchard. #trees #orchards #apples #pears
Kingston Black apples growing and ripening at Beau Vista orchard. Great season so far and that promises TeePee Cider a good harvest to come. Half way to harvest now. #apples #cider #orchard. #Aotearoa #NZ
As it’s now the New Year, the Shropshire sheep have been turfed out of the traditional orchard into a spare paddock. This is a hygiene requirement prior to ground harvesting of apples in a a few months time. They are not amused! #sheep #ShropshireSheep #apples #orchards
After a great Spring and early summer, Wellington and Wairarapa weather had been rubbish -for humans at least. However perfect conditions for pears. The Dyer’s Pass Perry pear trees are heavily laden. Looking forward to making more perry this year. #perry #pear #orchard #Aotearoa
Johnny Appleseed’s real name was John Chapman. He planted apple trees in different parts of the US, not for the environment, but for money. Back in the 1800’s, during the westward expansion one could claim land by creating a permanent orchard on the same. #cider #apples