DINER GROCERY COMBO RECOLOUR by technicallyswagpizza
Probably one of the easiest on the eye colour schemes EA has ever come up with, but I still disliked it enough so here she is all nice and grey. I also replaced the posters on the windows with something less offensive to the eyes! Sam's Market Diner has been relaunched and rebranded as Village Shop and Grill, because Sam got trapped in the pool and has unfortunately passed away. Oh no! Anyway.
- Base game compatible, the original rabbithole is from Supernatural expansion.
- NOT a default replacement, if you for whatever reason enjoy the horror that is the original.
Because I'm a lazy bozo I took all the screenshots for my rabbithole recolours months ago and at the time I forgot to pull my lighting mod out + my Reshade was on while taking the picture above, so uh, what you see here is _almost_ what you get as my Reshade preset is not particularly strong ⁽ ˘ ˑ ˘ ⁾