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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

@teaformrholmes /

-- TAGS UNDER COSTRUCTION -- This blog exists to celebrate the immortal detective Sherlock Holmes and his friend and colleague Doctor Watson. You will find posts about the original works by Doyle, various tv series and movies. We tag everything!

Watching Elementary. I will never ever get over how purely and deeply Sherlock loves Watson and how open he is about that. It isn't stated often, because it's a fact that's so obvious and accepted he doesn't need to state it. But when he does say it, when he tells her how we'll adjust his life so that she can be a mother, when he threatens people because she might be hurt, when he lets go of work because he trusts her to do it for him while he recovers---it's just so breathtaking to me. And that love is reciprocated, in every choice Joan makes--her adopting a baby won't interfere with their work/life, the way she cares for him when he's sick, the way she protects him from people from his past or his father.

They're not romantic. But their relationship is one of the best dynamics between the pair I've ever seen and I fall in love with it again every time I rewatch the show.

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