I have days where I wonder why the hell I picked teaching as my career, but as I get more years of experience, those days become far fewer. A few years ago in the beginning of my teaching career, I would cry in my classroom after school at least 3 days a week. I know that doesn’t sound encouraging BUT bear with me -- I just finished up the first quarter of this school year and I have never felt this way, not once. It gets better. Things are hard at first, and you’ll always have good days and bad days. You’ll be stressed out sometimes. But other times you’ll be rocking and rolling and your students will be so into what you’re doing and everything is just awesome. And most days will be somewhere in the middle. Don’t let anyone talk you out of it because they had a bad day (or a series of bad days). If my five-years-ago self could see me now she wouldn’t believe how far I’ve come.