te-dedico-um-livro reblogged
GILMORE GIRLS (2000-2007)
4x13 | "Nag Hammadi Is Where They Found the Gnostic Gospels"
@te-dedico-um-livro / te-dedico-um-livro.tumblr.com
GILMORE GIRLS (2000-2007)
4x13 | "Nag Hammadi Is Where They Found the Gnostic Gospels"
BLACKPINK ♡ RE: BLACKPINK (2018) (credit: VeraHsu1010)
APT. ⚡️🎸
Créditos a quien corresponda
Eu procuro um amor, que seja bom pra mim,
Vou procurar, eu vou até o fim...
Take your time
It's all right
Everything will work out fine
But you don't wanna go there
So you take care to hide it
Owsey — Thousands of Summer Twilights
Alice and Jasper