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A Mask!Wild Fic
Chapter One
There was no new calamity.
When Wild stepped through the portal that had opened only for him, he hadn’t been sure what to expect so had been prepared for anything. His sword was drawn and ready in his hands, his shield raised to defend from oncoming attacks. He had knocked back a potion to enhance the power behind his strikes and his armour was upgraded for the maximum protection that a Great Fairy could bestow.
He had stepped into the portal, his body still warm from the parting embrace of his brothers, his ears still ringing with their tearful goodbyes, and had prayed that somehow, some way, he would someday meet them again.
Approaching the portal’s end, he prepared himself for whatever was going to be thrown at him. For an army of monsters. For a platoon of guardian stalkers. For the Great Calamity itself, risen from its unholy grave.