Mording gathering some seashells for science!
Meanwhile… Somewhere sunny HD version
*cries in Salarian*
I loved and hated doing this so much but it turned out great. Heroes never die, kids!
CRY WITH ME! @sexy-salmon @thunderheadfred @scientistsalarian @stories-of-arani
“Plenty to show”
(I wish I could add more people, but it would be too much…)
I love this!
You can partially blame this playlist, but have you considered… younger, scarier Mordin? You know, the one that might have actually broken Omega’s one rule?
ok let’s talk about mordin for a moment.
he has the best character development in the entire trilogy in my opinion. just thinking about it makes me lose my pants because it makes me so excited asdfghjkl.
and I think one of the most powerful moments is when shepard is unfortunately reluctant to cure the genophage (my shepard would never do this. but that’s what youtube is for)
shepard: “everytime we’ve talked about this before, you’ve defended the genophage! hell, I had to talk you into saving maelon’s data! how can you change your mind now?”
mordin: “I made a MISTAKE”
this is so powerful. also props to mordin’s voice actor because that was really nicely done. and it’s just. so different to what he says when you first meet him.
It’s also notable that he actually says “I” here.
Mordin speaks largely in sentence fragments, and he tends not to reference himself as a direct object. I haven’t analyzed his entire dialogue for this, but I’m pretty sure that, outside of singing, we haven’t heard him say “I” ever before. At all.
“Made mistakes!” is far more in-line with his typical speech patterns, but instead he says “I made a mistake!” - he’s taking full responsibility here in a way he hasn’t admitted to before
His feelings about the genophage are not a clinical detachment anymore, they’re personal, and he finally can’t hold that in any longer
Mordin falls back into that fragmented syntax in the very next sentence, but for that one moment, for those four words, he lets Shepard (and us) see how much the legacy of the genophage has affected him
“ So I picture your face Before these final days erased The times that I had with my hero, my best friend “
My piece for the BioWare Fanzine!
My patient. My responsibility. Found her at STG base. Three doctors injured trying to restrain her. Undid arm restraints. Didn’t resist when she grabbed me. Promised to help her. She said, “Please.”
- Mordin, about Eve and his first meeting.
(I totally ace-ship it)
my coping mechanism for completing this mission tonight. fuck u bioware. (also eve and mordin being bffs is my fav thing)
If y'all don’t stop making me cry before class….
‘Ooh, Shepard will love this!’
According to my immunology professor, the levo/dextro allergic reaction mentioned in the Mass Effect series is a mistake. Our immune system would simply pass over the “foreign” amino acid isomers without recognizing them as a threat. It’d still have no nutritional value though. (To keep it simple: eating turian/quarian food would be perfectly safe, but also totally useless for a human.)
today’s news: Mordin was wrong, it’s safe to swallow
today’s news: Mordin was wrong, it’s safe to swallow v. important, thank you
Or my favorite personal headcanon:
Mordin was 100% messing with Shepard (and Garrus) the whole time.
(”Oh,” says EDI to Mordin, as he chuckles to himself. “This is a ... joke?”
EDI promptly gets in on it by forwarding misleading information to the parties concerned.)
I made Mass Effect art and Reddit liked it, so you should too.
Inspired by your last post, I humbly request Garrus and Mordin's alcohol and mood music advice conversation, or Garrus's realization that he knows jack shit about wine, and that the labels do NOT HELP.
“Ah,” Mordin said without looking up. “Good you’re here. Needed to speak with you.”
Garrus cleared his throat, linking his hands loosely behind his back because what he really wanted to do was turn around and walk straight back out of the lab and down to the battery. And then hide. For approximately the hundred years necessary to muffle his mortification. It was bad enough he had to talk to someone at all. Having Mordin waiting for the conversation somehow made the whole thing infinitely worse.
He’d thought about going to Dr. Chakwas instead, but when he’d poked his head into the medbay, she’d assumed it was something to do with his face, and had launched into a series of questions that couldn’t have been further from the topic of his… research. When, at the end of the interrogation, she’d smiled and said, “Was there anything else, Garrus?” he’d only ducked his head and all but jogged out.
"This book was of great help when breeding with my blue rose!" A. Krogan.
"Yea, he is kind of good in bed. I´d read the book" A. T´Loak
"Mordin what is that picture for?" G. Vakarian
"MORDIN NO" J. Shepard
"Do you have something about androids in that book you are making?" J. Moreau
I wonder if I would be reborn again? A chance to meet those I lost under the watchful gaze of those who lived on. To live up to our legacy or to laze from old heroics.
Wheel of life. Popular salarian concept. Similar to human Hinduism in focus on reincarnation. Appealing to see life as endless. Fix mistakes in next life. Learn, adapt, improve. Refuse to believe life ends here. Too wasteful. Have much more to offer. Mistakes to fix. Cannot end here. Could do so much more…