I’m so sorry, that lion is the tiger’s daughter. No lesbians, but it’s a super interesting case.
Tiger Momma adopted the Lion Baby, and while tigers leave their mothers when they get old enough, lionesses always stay in the pride and help mom raise her new babies. So the lioness stuck around to help mom so she could get a good grade in Daughter, and Mom basically shrugged and was like ‘weird, but okay’.
The super cool thing is, the tiger with the lion daughter was so much more successful in keeping her children alive pretty soon like half the tigers in the area were all her babies. They left her territory, but most set up shop in adjacent areas. This was because her overachiever lion daughter also wanted a good grade in Lion Pride, and stayed friendly with the siblings she helped raise to the point where she would attack intruding tigers who tried to go after her siblings, even after those siblings were grown.
And I’m talking ATTACK. Female lions will fight like hell to protect their babies and sisters, even one-on-one against an adult male lion 50 pounds heavier than them, if they feel like they have to. So a tiger sister would see another tiger and go ‘no I don’t want to fuck you’, and her lion sister would hear her yelling and be like
It was basically an accidental experiment that resulted in a loose, friendly kingdom of related tigers centered around their mom and a lion, and helped show how successful the ‘build a pack’ strategy was, evolution-wise. Mama Tiger accidentally changed the genetics of an entire population of tigers because she had a daughter there to help keep her babies alive.
So next time some dude-bro crypto asshole starts talking about how survival of the fittest is really survival of the selfish, maybe mention how discovering the power of cooperation made a regular tiger into the queen of a tiger kingdom