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@takeariskao3 /

fic writer and known procrastinator

Already Gone Chapter 9

Ginny burst through the kitchen door of the Burrow and made straight for the stairs. At the commotion, her mother glanced up from her lump of bread dough and huffed, “Hello to you too…” “Will you slow down?” Harry begged, shutting the door behind him. Two steps up, she turned on her heel, and felt an errant sense of satisfaction at being eye level. “You aren’t going to talk me out of this.”

for those who don't remember, the chapters i will be posting from here on out will be rewrites. we've reached the true divergence from what i'd written before, but i do think they are 1000% better <3 enjoy!!


Young women today blaming feminism for the evils of capitalism… i want you to have time to pick berries as well but that’s not on women in the 70s for wanting to have a life independent of their husbands

Anonymous asked:

Why are all the world leaders having to explain things to your president like he’s a child? How can someone who doesn’t understand tariffs be elected to run a country? Who voted for him??

do you have three hours and a bottle of wine? because i’m not entirely sure i can answer this question without a certain amount of foundational knowledge…

i suppose TL:DR the U.S. right/republicans/trump weaponized the trials, woes, and hatred of rural voters. and instead of democrats/leftists actually coming up with platforms and solutions for typical rural communities, they *checks notes* decided to tell those rural communities that they didn’t actually care if they lived or died. and then acted shocked when those rural communities reelected him.

Anonymous asked:

I thought that post said “my ass eats the stick and continues not to write anything” it’s tumblr so it checks out

you’re a little confused but you got the spirit

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