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*explosion noises*

@t0mserv0 /

Beep beep (33/enby/MI)

This was such a genuinely heartwarming moment. I know this was a production goof but I'm glad it happened. Tim and Gregg have made me laugh through the darkest moments in my life and I owe so much of my joy in those times to them. I found On Cinema when I was at such a hopeless point in life and it gave me something to look forward to every day. Thank you to both of you from the bottom of my heart.

Anonymous asked:

what is the child annihilating zipline

in 2010, a camp counselor goon logged on to the somethingawful forums asking for help with the zipline he build from scratch, and with no engineering knowledge, that didn’t seem to be working right. when he tested it with a sandbag, it continued to gather speed during the entirety of the 143 foot drop (19 degree slope) until it slammed into the wooden platform at the bottom at a speed of 65mph, presumably creating a child paste that would have to be scraped off to be sent home. there were pictures.


groverhaus and the child-annihilating zipline are classics of post and we will never forget them

too bad the zipline isn’t as famous. the fucked-up bathroom has even gained more traction than the child-exploding summer camp zipline. there is no justice

i love this but DON’T denigrate the fucked up bathroom that’s a legend

fucked up bathroom?

this looks like a doom wad


The extremely good news is that someone DID make it into a doom wad

this is un fucking believable

I’m sorry, y’all are selling RIPline (The Machine to Kill Children) short, so I need to bring in YouTuber and generally amazing person Dan Olson in to sum this up for me

And some visual aides

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