I woke up and checked things and started to spiral.
And then I took a deep breath.
Okay kids. It's time to listen to your organizer elders.
I don't care if every call is reversed and she wins by 30 electoral points.
Get involved. Do one thing to make the world better: mutual aid, volunteer, join your local political groups, read to kids, go to community groups.
Survival on this blue spinning ball means coalition building. It means accepting you save the world by doing what you are good at and sharing it with others.
It means to stop looking for saviors in your political choices, and also not crucifying them. It means getting away from political purity and ideology and fucking working toward the next one and the next one.
Political change is different than political theater. It takes work. So much work. And if you are tired, tap out, but don't leave the game.
Guess what happened tonight?
The first openly Trans woman was elected to congress.
2 black women are serving together in the senate.
It is ugly and it sucks and we need to take a breath, take a nap, and then get up off the mat.
But we gotta do it together.