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Weaving words and stuff

@sweetmetaphors /

30's, non binary bi (she/her/they/them), attempter at humor and words (icon by farorescourage)

Big day for deranged evangelical freaks


I know, intellectually, that modern american christianity has absolutely nothing to do with the ideal concept of the church - but there is quite literally something in the bible about not doing this. Like this exact precise thing. This is an idol that is detracting worship from the lord.

wouldn't it be so cool if we built the golden calf from famous bible story "Don't Build The Golden Calf"


Listen, if a Bad President can come in and take away our rights and we're dependent on a Good President replacing them in four years to give us back our rights, then we do not have any rights.

If politicians can take or distribute them, then they're not "inalienable" and they're not "rights."

We don't have inalienable rights we have conditional privileges, divvied out according to the whims of whoever currently holds the reins.

And if we want to have actual rights, then we must build a system in which no one has the power to take them away to begin with.


I see stuff like this every once in a while and it reminds me the kids are still alright

I have no idea what is going on but I watched this like 20 times

this automatically surpasses the harlem shake meme because instead of a smash cut they all organically hid

Architect just really gave up on that side of the house


And heeeeere comes the architectural digest reader with the steel chair!


Yall the point is that sex toys need to be in a sex store not a pharmacy. Also five year olds these days can in fact read, three year olds these days can read I work in a daycare I have seen it. And why would there be a sex toy AISLE in a PHARMACY in a DRUG STORE?? I’m so??? Sex toys don’t belong in drug stores.


I grew up in pennsylvania, which has pretty stringent liquor laws, so it was absolutely wild to me the first time I walked into a grocery store in california and they had ALCOHOL. RIGHT THERE. NEXT TO THE FOOD. I was shooketh, may I tell you! Alcohol belongs in The Alcohol Store! Why would you treat it as something you can just... purchase! With money and an ID! RIGHT THERE IN PUBLIC! How was anyone not worried that kids might... reach out and TOUCH a bottle!!

I got over it.

Anyway drugstores (in the US) also dispense birth control medications and viagra, sell tampons, antifungals, condoms, and all manner of hygiene products incl. douching kits. Makes perfect sense to me that they'd also sell sex toys. They've got everything else you'd put on your junk.

Eh, five year olds can read, but they're unlikely to be squirrelly about things unless the grown-up in question models squirrelly-ness.

Like, if I had been out shopping seven years ago, it would have gone like this.

Kiddo: For . . . her . . . peas . . . Me: It says "for her pleasure" but that's just for adults. Kiddo: Can I have a lollipop? Can we both have lollipops? I'm bored. Me: We will pick up the lollipops on our way out at the checkout. Can you tell Mama what's next on the list? Kiddo: . . . Cog soup? Me: Good guess! Cough syrup. And no, I don't know why gh says f in this particular case, letters do weird things. Let's go.

… cog soup.

wait holy fuck it's been so long I forgot about wagon wheels. requesting this as my last meal


Anyone who has worked a real job knows the look of someone standing there looking at something that's gonna fuck up their afternoon

i could recognize this expression, this stance, the strain in the voice over the phone from a hundred yards away

and if you think that's not a fair example because firefighters are used to showing up to stuff that fucks up a whole afternoon, consider the full picture


Every time I see this quote I realize how poor even very smart people are at looking at the long game and at assessing these things in context.

One of my favourite illustrations of this was in a First Aid class. The instructor was a working paramedic. He asked, “Who here knows the stats on CPR? What percentage of people are saved by CPR outside a hospital?”

I happen to know but I’m trying not to be a TOTAL know it all in this class so I wait. And people guess 50% and he says, “Lower,” and 20% and so forth and eventually I sort of half put up my hand and I guess I had The Face because he eventually looked at me and said, “You know, don’t you.”

“My mom’s a doc,” I said. He gave me a “so say it” gesture and I said, “Four to ten percent depending on your sources.”

Everyone else looked surprised and horrified.

And the paramedic said, “We’re gonna talk a bit about some details of those figures* but first I want to talk about just this: when do you do CPR?”

The class dutifully replies: when someone is unconscious, not breathing, and has no pulse.

“What do we call someone who is unconscious, not breathing, and has no pulse?”

The class tries to figure out what the trick question is so I jump over the long pause and say, “A corpse.”

“Right,” says the paramedic. “Someone who isn’t breathing and has no heartbeat is dead. So what I’m telling you is that with this technique you have a 4-10% chance of raising the dead.”

So no, artists did not stop the Vietnam War from happening with the sheer Power of Art. The forces driving that military intervention were huge, had generations of momentum and are actually pretty damn complicated.

But if you think the mass rejection of the war was as meaningless as a soufflé - well.

Try sitting here for ten seconds and imagining where we’d be if the entire intellectual and artistic drive of the culture had been FOR the war. If everyone thought it was a GREAT IDEA.

What the whole world would look like.

Four-to-ten percent means that ninety to ninety-six percent of the time - more than nine times out of ten - CPR will do nothing, but that one time you’ll be in the company of someone worshipped as an incarnate god.

If you think the artists and performers attacking and showing up people like Donald Trump is meaningless try imagining a version of the world wherein they weren’t there.

(*if you’re curious: those stats count EVERY reported case of CPR, while the effectiveness of it is extremely time-related. With those who have had continuous CPR from the SECOND they went down, the number is actually above 80%. It drops hugely every 30 seconds from then on. When you count ALL cases you count cases where the person has already been down several minutes but a bystander still starts CPR, which affects the stats)

That Vonnegut quote brings this particular moment to mind:

Yes, it’s just a pie. Yes, the pie itself doesn’t do much direct damage in the grand scheme of things. But the pie is resistance, and resistance inspires resistance. Resistance inspires survival. Throwing pies sometimes starts a movement. Throwing pies sometimes saves lives.

And of course, we haven’t spoken about the inherent morality of throwing pies at oppressors in a world where oppressors have outlawed pie throwing. At the very least, pie throwing is a reminder to the oppressors that no matter how much money they have, no matter how much power they have, there are still some people, some moments they can’t control.

I’d rather go out throwing pies than just rolling over and accepting that pie throwing isn’t going to solve anything. Yeah, the pie throwing doesn’t immediately solve the problem, but it doesn’t have to because it’s just a starting point. So throw the damn pie.


So throw the damn pie


Something I realized fairly recently about peaceful protests is that they are, in essence, a dress rehearsal.

Yes, peaceful protests can change things on their own - blocking traffic, preventing customers (and employees!) from entering a business, and so on.

But the unspoken part, is what they do is demonstrate that this is an issue that people will turn out in force for. Both to those in power who need to listen, and those trying to share the message: we are not alone, and we will do this thing if it needs to be done.

Sometimes the powers that be forget this - or think they can elide it - but the connection is there. When people aren’t allowed to talk about things affecting their work, whether it’s their wages or that the “please please pleas epleas pleas resign we’ll pay you we prommy” email is clearly a huge scam, that lack of connection takes agency and power from those people.

Art, a pie in the face, hippies getting photographed mid-protest - it’s all communication. Not everyone is happy with the status quo, and now that information is in the world. The more people who talk about it, share it, connect to it, the greater that quiet force grows until you realize it’s actually a whole lot of people when you used to think it was just you.


It’s important to note, btw, that the pie ruined her fucking career. After that pie, pretty much nobody took her seriously anymore, which didn’t end homophobia, but it pretty much did end that one homophobe.


Technological literacy only exists in a very slim age demographic of people born from roughly 1980 to roughly 2007

Like I know someone who was born in '09, they can't even use the windows file manager to mod the Sims 4, after I made the folders for it!! All you need to do is move the files from downloads to the mod folder

This isn’t me saying young people are stupid, it's me saying, we have a massive fucking problem if young people can't even do simple tasks with computers considering how digital our world is


The pettiness is just 👌😂

Sound on! Sound on!


Love me some schadenfreude as much as the next guy, but we actually WANT these people to finally blink and go "oh shit wait, maybe I should move LEFT".

Bc the more we have on our side (esp ppl who can say they left MAGA and finally understand how culty it was, how bigotry is wrong, etc), the more resources we have with which to apply pressure and intimidation to these fucking fascists.


to quote the sacred texts, don't punish the behaviour you want to see


the thing is that these people won't stay "left". They still only care about themselves. He'll vote for himself next time. He's not suddenly realizing how his neighbour suffers and feels obligated to help them. It's all about him. You want these people on your side because you feel "the more the better" but he and his likes are gonne run away the second it's not about them anymore. You need them to get out of the Trumpisaster, but they're not gonna stay with you.

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