swanprincessswift reblogged
CS Hiatus Countdown (63 days): “Behold, the Rolly Joger!”
@swanprincessswift / swanprincessswift.tumblr.com
CS Hiatus Countdown (63 days): “Behold, the Rolly Joger!”
366 Days of Captain Swan [343/366]
366 Days of Captain Swan [335/366]
366 Days of Captain Swan [335/366]
emma swan in every episode
3.21, snow drifts
“You were saying?”
I know how you kiss.
366 Days of Captain Swan [246/366]
Captain Swan Hiatus Meme | 2/10 scenes
You get my first dance at my first royal ball and all you can say is ‘I told you so’? I believe what I’m trying to say, your highness, is that you appear to be a natural.
#Captain Swan moments #that ruined my life #but also #made it better [12/?]
And this is all I could think of.
the way he looks at her excuse me whilst i create a new ocean with my tears
Is this really necessary? What would you have done if Regina had spotted you back there? My guess… run.