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The Quiet Corner

@susann-noir /

~ AC Unity, BG3, tea, GW2 + other things I like and love ~ ancient eldergoth ~ perpetually sombre classical musician and a hopeless romantic whose heart is stuck in a certain Café-Théâtre in XVIII century France ~ melancholic ~ INFJ-T ~ she/her


Just passing by leaving a small study/exercise I did today with my most beloved Dorothea <3!

I wanted to practice a bit on the lineart while also studying the anatomy and the shapes and try to visualize them whenever I draw garments, so I tried to reference one of my favourite artists, Toulmouche, one of the biggest inspiration I have for Dorothea in particular and for artworking in general.

I decided to colour this with sepia tones, giving the impression that this was a sort of daguerrotype, a photo taken of Dorothea while standing in her mother's garden as she enjoyed the beautiful roses her mother grows.

That garden is so special for her: it's where her first kiss with Jacob happened, and for me, it's one of the scene I wrote when I first created Dorothea in late 2019, and it still holds a special place in my heart <3

Anyway, I hope you will enjoy this.


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