The other day I deleted the yearly calendar event marking my first college rape. I never needed it to exist anyway since the date is engrained in my memory.
November 12th.
Last night I had a nightmare where I was fighting off a bad guy a lot and was therefore kicking in my sleep. I woke up with my blankets everywhere and my dog was out of bed since it was so much kicking. My Fitbit showed that my heart rate went up super high in my sleep, too.
My dog can walk away. But my little fetus can’t. I always feel bad after a bad night. I have had at least 2 nights where I screamed in my sleep during this pregnancy. Most nights are relatively fine, and that’s what I need to remind myself. She will be fine.
There was a tiktok video that also triggered a bad memory about this rapist. The fact that he named his daughter after me. It’s just so disturbing. That is something I wish I never learned. It’s just so weird and freakish.
Pregnancy hormones all over the place. Super irritable today. Now this weird ptsd funk.
I seriously just need to shake it and think good thoughts for the baby’s sake. Hate when my brain spirals and doesn’t stop.