We found de wey, boys.
Thanks for turning me on to these guys fnhfal.
The massacre that killed 147 people and wounded scores of others at a Kenyan university lasted for hours Thursday before the terror was over.
They separated the Muslim and Christian students, allowing the former to leave and slaughtering the latter. These scum need to be put down like the animals they are.
For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. Romans 13:4 (KJV)
Social hostilities toward religion declined in 2013, while government restrictions on religious beliefs and practices remained level. Harassment of Jews, however, reached a seven-year high.
Turns out Christians are the most persecuted religious group in the world, and the Americas are the most religiously tolerant area in the world as well. I'd say I'm surprised but I already knew it.
Anytime guys....anytime at all.
21 Christians Executed on Camera; Tumblr SJWs Silent
Well I mean, whats twenty one people executed on camera via beheading compared to islamophobia in America, amirite guys?!?
Seriously though, social justice fucks prove they're a bunch of hypocrites at least once every week, so is this even news anymore?
Read your Bible kids.
Muslims and Christians can stand together. Peace is possible. Reject extremism.
Great Men
Great men are not necessarily the richest, the strongest, or the bravest among us. In fact they often aren't any of these things. They are the kindest, the most patient, and the most selfless among us. No man is great without sacrificing.
A point on "The Dark Ages"
Today's mini - history lesson is to correct the common misconception that the Catholic Church somehow extended or worsened the dark ages. Anyone who has actually studied this period can easily tell you this is false. In the period following the collapse of the Roman Empire, the Catholic Church became the only major social institution still standing. This meant they took up many of the functions of civil government along with their spiritual duties. It was also in this period we saw Catholic monks and priests preserve and create many histories and works of the ancient Romans and other people's of Europe during and before this period. To claim they somehow stagnated the growth of knowledge is basing hundreds of years on incidents in the early renaissance.