Fun Fact About Bernie Sanders’ Spending Plan
If you liquidated all of the wealth held by US Billionaires, you’d have enough money to pay for Sanders’ expanded spending a whopping 1.16 years.
Number of US Billionaires: 492
Total Net Worth: 2.084 Trillion Dollars
But what if we cut other places? Well dear reader, Senator Sanders isn’t going to cut social programs (He is expanding them), but what about military spending, can we cut some corners there? Sure. Lets cut all of it. All 610 Billion Dollars This will mean we can extend our billionaire money to a massive 1.74 years!
If thats not progressive, I don’t know what is. Remember kids, Tax the rich and plug your fingers firmly in your ears. Don’t let those nasty conservatives fool you, Bernie Sanders will save America, bring back the unicorns, and put those filthy rich people against the wall where they belong!