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pick your head up queen your clown wig is falling

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sunny🌙 she/they 26 i track #sunfortune
Anonymous asked:

New aydra richards in like 3 weeks! Will wait for your review of this one bc her last few have been a bit meh

omg really? i hadn’t heard about it. so far she’s 2/2 for me i loooved both the books i read from her. here’s hoping the new one’s good too


everyone kill me with hammers for talking about harry potter but if they make snape black (which they just confirmed they did) they HAVE to make james potter black too because MY GOD the implications. harry potter already has the smoothest brain fandom on earth. this is gonna make it so much worse


thinking about a long article I read a while back talking about the history of “ultra-processed foods” and how they related to american/western health issues. my main takeaway was a short paragraph buried in the middle of the article, where the guy who came up with the term just says outright “technically by these processing metrics tofu and sourdough fall into the same category as doritos and we’re not really sure how to square that circle” and the article just. moves right past that.

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