#operation olive branch – @sugas6thtooth on Tumblr

Free Palestine 🇵🇸


[21] [She/Her] [Suga Biased💕]
and to make matters worse, you don't change.

Fadi and his family are trapped in the North of Gaza and are in need of dire medical attention. Two brothers have been injured in a bombing, a sister is pregnant and in need of prenatal care, and their father suffers from heart failure and is need of meds.

This family can be found on operation olive branch's sheet under the medical/disabled tab. They are line 9.

The Rafah border is closing within two weeks and it is our duty to amplify as many Palestinian voices as possible. If we're being realistic, we have less than two weeks because of how long the process takes.

I'm encouraging you to adopt a family and make a post of your own, even if you can't donate, make their initiative heard and seen.

Fadi's Gofundme:


Fadi and his family are trapped in the North of Gaza and are in need of dire medical attention. Two brothers have been injured in a bombing, a sister is pregnant and in need of prenatal care, and their father suffers from heart failure and is need of meds.

This family can be found on operation olive branch's sheet under the medical/disabled tab. They are line 9.

The Rafah border is closing within two weeks and it is our duty to amplify as many Palestinian voices as possible. If we're being realistic, we have less than two weeks because of how long the process takes.

I'm encouraging you to adopt a family and make a post of your own, even if you can't donate, make their initiative heard and seen.

Fadi's Gofundme:


Fadi and his family are trapped in the North of Gaza and are in need of dire medical attention. Two brothers have been injured in a bombing, a sister is pregnant and in need of prenatal care, and their father suffers from heart failure and is need of meds.

This family can be found on operation olive branch's sheet under the medical/disabled tab. They are line 9.

The Rafah border is closing within two weeks and it is our duty to amplify as many Palestinian voices as possible. If we're being realistic, we have less than two weeks because of how long the process takes.

I'm encouraging you to adopt a family and make a post of your own, even if you can't donate, make their initiative heard and seen.

Fadi's Gofundme:


Important: please share

Note: this campaign was started only recently because Ezzideen and his family weren’t planning on evacuating until recently. I am in contact with the person running the campaign so if you have any questions please let me know

Dear Friends,
I'm Boshra Daoud, and I come to you today with an urgent plea from the depths of my heart. The situation in Gaza has become dire, and my dear friend Ezzideen Shehab and his family urgently need our help.
Ezzideen, a brilliant young doctor, returned to Gaza just one week before the war to celebrate his graduation with his family, only to be met with unimaginable tragedy. The loss of 72 family members in the conflict has shattered their lives beyond repair.
Their only hope for safety lies in evacuating to Egypt, but they can't do it alone. Each family member's evacuation costs $5000, and for young Mazen, it's $2500. We need to raise a total of $27,500 to get them out of harm's way.
Additionally, we need $5000 for their living expenses for the next six months in Egypt and additional funds for passport costs.
But it's not just about escaping the horrors of war. Ezzideen and his family dream of a peaceful life away from the constant threat of violence. They want to complete their education, pursue their dreams, and build a better future. Ezzideen's parents have worked tirelessly to provide their children with a good education, hoping to see them achieve their goals.
I'm reaching out to you, dear friends, because I cannot bear the thought of losing Ezzideen. Your support, no matter how small, can make a world of difference to him and his family. Let's unite in compassion and generosity to give them the chance they so desperately need to escape the horrors of Gaza and fulfill their dreams.
مرحبا جميعاً،
أنا بشرى داود، واليوم أتوجه إليكم بمناشدة من أعماق قلبي.
لا يُخفى على أحد أن الوضع في غزة أصبح لا يطاق، وأعز صديق لدي" عزالدين شهاب" وعائلته من غزة في حاجة ماسة لمساعدتنا.
عز الدين ليس مجرد صديق. لقد جمعتنا الكثير من الذكريات والضحكات والأحلام واللحظات التي لا تُنسى. لكن الآن ومنذ بداية الحرب والخوف من فقدانه يطاردني كل يوم.
عز الدين، طبيب شاب، عاد إلى غزة للاحتفال بتخرجه مع عائلته يوم 5 اكتوبر، ليواجه مأساة لا يمكن تصورها. لقد أدى فقدان 72 من أفراد الأسرة في الحرب إلى تدمير حياتهم بشكل لا يمكن إصلاحه.
والآن، عز الدين ووالديه وإخوته وشقيقه الصغير مازن عالقون في شمال غزة، ويواجهون صعوبات لا ينبغي لأي أسرة أن تتحملها على الإطلاق. إن المجاعة التي يواجهونها وندرة الغذاء وارتفاع الأسعار جعلت الحياة لا تطاق بالنسبة لهم.
أملهم الوحيد في الأمان يكمن في الإجلاء إلى مصر، لكنهم لا يستطيعون القيام بذلك بمفردهم. تبلغ تكلفة اجلاء كل فرد من أفراد الأسرة 5000 دولار، وللطفل مازن 2500 دولار. نحتاج إلى جمع إجمالي 27,500 دولار لإبعادهم عن الأذى ومساعدتهم للخروج إلى مصر، على أمل البدء من جديدة في حياة جديدة.
لكن الأمر لا يتعلق فقط بالهروب من أهوال الحرب. يحلم عز الدين وعائلته بحياة مُسالمة هادئة بعيدًا عن التهديد المستمر بالعنف. إنهم يريدون إكمال تعليمهم وتحقيق أحلامهم وبناء مستقبل أفضل. لقد عمل والدا عز الدين بلا كلل من أجل توفير تعليم جيد لأطفالهما، على أمل رؤيتهم يحققون أهدافهم.
إنني أتوجه إليكم أيها الأصدقاء الأعزاء، لأنني لا أستطيع تحمل فكرة فقدان عز الدين. دعمكم، مهما كان صغيرا، يمكن أن يحدث فرقا كبيرا بالنسبة له ولعائلته. دعونا نتحد في التعاطف والكرم لمنحهم الفرصة التي هم في أمس الحاجة إليها للهروب من أهوال غزة وتحقيق أحلامهم.
أشكركم من أعماق قلبي على لطفكم وكرمكم.
مع خالص الامتنان،
بشرى داود

Hi everyone!

My friend, Ezzideen, and his family are looking to evacuate Gaza.

For the past month I've been speaking with Ezzideen, he is a very kind, selfless, and patient individual. I've been trying to get his family noticed by Operation Olive Branch, and it has been a bit of a struggle (not that it's the organizers fault, they are very lovely people).

If you can, please share Ezzideen's story and post about his GoFundMe. As the saying goes, mourn the dead and fight like hell for the living.

And, while you're here, please keep Ezzideen and his family in your hearts. Send a kind word or two.

If you would like more information, his @ is @bosezz11233 !


Rafah is currently under bombardment, so I will spreading as much links as I can possibly can. If I miss any, please add on if you can

Please keep Palestine in your minds tonight and onwards even with distractions like the Oscars, helping the people is more important


Feel free to reblog and add more sources of Gazan families and individuals who could use the help.

Families In Gaza Who Need Your Help:

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