One “Day”
One day I’ll find out why... my time is the night.
I’ll find out
... why 2 am still feels like evening while 2 pm seems to be morning to me...
... why I am awake in the middle of the night but tired whenever the alarm rings.
... why 2 hours of sleep seemed perfectly fine before I went to bed - and then reveals to be close to torture the next day...
... why the tv program is horrible at my prime time.
... why I cannot perceive that most of those hours won during my all-nighters are nothing but borrowed time´as I need to catch up with sleep now.
... why a few hours in the dark are more productive than double the amount during opening hours.
One day - or more likely one night I’ll find out...
Until I find an answer to all this - I simply stick to my nature and keep grinding in the dark.
Your m - to all the other owls out there.