The Trilemma Of Life
Years ago I came across the following lines:
Success - Social Life - Enough Sleep; You can only have 2 out of 3. Choose.
For years I believed in this theory. I lived by it. I was absolutely sure that for me there is no other way to live life.
But I am literally tired of it. Feeling horrible after 3 hours of sleep, drinking coffee and coke/xyz just to stay on track, spending entire weekend days sleeping...
So I started questioning.
Imagine you mastered this trilemma: The “holy grail”: success (in your professional life or whatever you care about), still seeing your friends and family + not feeling like crap all the time.
Sounds fantastic?
Here is my idea to get this done:
- start sleeping more.
- make your family, a few friends and what brings the most joy to you your ultimate top priorities.
- rigorously downgrade everything else.
- intensively supplement your life with exercise/sports of your choice.
A closing thought:
Every living creature on earth has to sleep. Maybe this also applies to blogging entrepreneurs - like me.
Your m - now going to bed.