i love how bugs bunny is totally calm as long as everyone leaves him alone but as soon as someone bothers him he’s like “ok. now i have to kill him”
devil may cry is a franchise where the foundation its built on is all the things everyone knows are cool but will never ever admit to finding cool
intense ass devil may cry battle music: shadows fall across my soul as the demon inside me screams to be free
me, an adult: oh man, thats cringey haha. oh, wait. adrenaline is screaming through my veins and im ready to kill and die
Finally, Vinland Saga is here and the first three episodes were very good !
Banja Luka, BiH. December 2014.
Why does every single conversation I have with someone feel like a performance. I am performing the act of communicating which to most, comes naturally but for me, it’s like I need 100% of my cognitive capacity and to constantly calculate the best response, best tone, best gestures for the given moment and then do it over and over again perfectly until the conversation ends in order to have had a normal one and it’s so exhausting I feel like a fucking robot
I had the chance to be part of an amazing zine called “My Girlfriend from the Legends” and it’s now lauching a Kickstarter !! Here is a few crops of my piece, I drew my two OCS !
SUPPORT THE KICKSTARTER !! There is a lot of awesome artists in this zine, it’s a blessing ✨
Rei from last night
Stop saying a woman existing in her natural state has “let herself go”.
Hair on her legs is not letting herself go.
Not wearing make up is not letting herself go.
Abstaining from western beauty standards doesn’t diminish a woman’s value.
The Horror Genre.
“ … Horror is the future. And you cannot be afraid. You must push everything to the absolute limit, or else life will be boring. People will be boring. Horror is like a serpent; always shedding its skin, always changing. And it will always come back. It can’t be hidden away like the guilty secrets we try to keep in our subconscious.”
Time eats away at memories, distorts them. Sometimes we only remember the good, sometimes only the bad.
Some Sugimoto sketches. I love it when he had two sticks stuck in the face. that so sexy lol
“I just need to rest my eyes” *falls asleep for 11 hours*