Well helloooo…
Can you rate DT's performances by level of nudity? Asking for a friend. . . Ahem.
All right, hold on to your ovaries.
We’ve had a whole plethora of these. It’s like Baskin Robbins but with Tennant nakedness. Pick your favorite flavor of Tennant, friends.
Tentoo, Peter Vincent, Dave Tiler, Jean-Francois Mercier, Alan Hamilton, Aiden Hoynes, DW BTS David, Peter Carlisle, Will Burton, Alec Hardy, Richard (LA Without a Map), James Neil Arber, John (Love in the 21st Century), Brendan Block, John MacBryde (The Tales of Para Handy), the guy from Only Human, Campbell Bain, Casanova, that one picture that can be found on google that we don’t talk about (yeah you know the one, don’t pretend like you were never curious).
All of the above gents appear at least partly nude, either shirtless or without trousers, if not entirely naked. Can’t blame all those directors and costumers one bit. In fact, bless them. ;) So for the rankings!
(x) James Neil Arber, the adorkable writer with the quills boxers
(x) John MacBryde, a strapping young Tennant
(x) Aiden Hoynes, my darling drama queen
(x) Jean-Francois
(x) Peter Vincent
(x) Peter Carlisle (so much Peter Carlisle)
Dave Tiler
(x) Casanova
(x) Tentoo of course. I don’t care if we don’t see it all. He’s totally naked.
(x) Alan Hamilton, the winner, albeit unintentionally, poor dear. Still. ;)
Sorry, not Sorry
Bc tumblr is being an ARSE
Original convo HERE
And in slo-mo with a pause… for reason.
(gifs via @weeping-who-girl, thank the universe for AMANDA!!!)