strongblacklesbian reblogged
Alec Hardy + Screenshots of Despair
Is it normal to miss a fictional character so much?
I’ve been watching Broadchurch and Alec Hardy is the most valid
alec angrily drinking tea
Hardy Hugs and Kisses - featuring Alec Hardy and his daughter, Daisy (Broadchurch seasons 2 & 3)
Bonus: Denied hug:
Broadchurch - 1x07
Intense little hedgehog.
Some truths need saying.
Broadchurch - Deleted Scenes
Post-awkward date awkward turtle.
This is my favourite thing in the world right now, his wee face 💕
Broadchurch / 1x01
ok i made some really accurate valentines
Have a very happy Valentine’s Day from DI Grumpycat.