falling prey to the Man Disease impulse to make annoying posts with very little substantive support (well I think that....) bc i have to boil water to wash dishes like i'm living in pioneer times, due to my hot water being fucked up for mystery reasons
in much the same way that i find that there is often a communication breakdown between people who became vegetarians entirely or partially bc they didn't like the taste of meat and people who enjoy eating meat, i think that really vocal underconsumption advocates are often also people with a pre-existing dislike/distaste for "owning items" and/or "the process of acquiring items", if that make sense
i'm not even getting into the zone of evaluating who is "right" or "more convincing" or whatever.... but like, from a practical point of view, if you want more people to adopt your stance, at some point you're going to have to start talking to people who don't already agree with you regarding we should quit [thing X] because it sucks anyways and isn't actually that good and no one really likes it as much as they pretend to
re: the pseudoscientific personality sorter
to me there's like a specific middle ground for taking care of your stuff that's like be conscientious about it (don't damage your possessions thru deliberate action or known, obvious and avoidable neglect) but don't be precious about it (normal use of most possessions over time will cause some wear and tear; it's kind of a waste to buy things you never use out of fear or to waste your time and energy being hugely anxious about it)
There's this interesting phenomenon where when you're a child, or some other vulnerable minority dependent on a job for shelter, you are actually under duress almost constantly. You can't say "I don't want to work today," you cannot say "I don't want to do the dishes, actually," you cannot choose not to participate. In a lot of cases, the punishment is explicit. Your parents might yell at you. Your boss might fire you. But in other cases, it's implicit. The mood will sour. You lose leeway. People get mad at you. And that creates a really shitty environment where you're constantly being coerced to do things!
And here's the kicker; you're not allowed to acknowledge that. You cannot acknowledge that you are being coerced, you cannot acknowledge that your free will is not being respected, because that's punished too. Your boss insists that you act excited. Your parents punish you for acting surly. You are forced to fake enthusiastic consent, constantly. It's a fucking nightmare. Your hand is being forced, you do not have the option to say "no," and if you ever, for a second, try to acknowledge that, everyone acts like you're the aggressor.
Man taken to hospital after collapse stuns doctors when results come back: "He has every disease at the same time"
currently experiencing a gut problem that is gross but not painful at all, which makes all my attempts to self-diagnose using dr. google totally useless bc every digestion problem that i think to investigate has the symptom "abdominal pain or cramps"
ok yes the misplaced nostalgic yearning for a mythical past is clearly a reactionary position, but simply flipping the valences and replying that Everything Back Then Was Worse Actually is just as superficial an engagement with history
the presumption of progress over time misleads with respect to the vast amount of variation in the historical record & it also serves to present whatever is the current arrangement as the apotheosis of human advancement... these are not value-neutral claims
Just take “type” as whatever type of looks you’re most attracted to
simply dont monday
Whatever *sticks my dick in the gap between who you are and who you portray yourself as*
not sure this is my definitive take on the matter but i kind of think the real problem is "you, a man, totally lack any meaningful, genuine and reciprocal/egalitarian relationships with women", independently of whether or not he also watches porn tbh
I have female hysteria + male loneliness + toxic masculinity + dark empath abilities
me when someone abruptly asks me if i want to go and do something fun together but the fun thing wasn't part of my daily plan:
I hate that post dissing arugula like you don’t know anything
it sucks that to my friends i'm basically the same as every other regular person (having a decent number of interesting and appealing traits and a couple traits that are a little annoying or off-putting) but when it comes to dating i am giving off radioactive miasma of some kind