It’s never too much Jyushimatsu
you ever just
osomatsu dies
@korozikoro Posted with permission from the artist. Please do not remove the source or repost without permission.
this joke has probably been made a million times already w/ them but still. suuji energy
There will never be a more iconic duo
好きな人が大笑いする数字松 <3
cute suuji moment: they made the person they like laugh out loud
drew them because their episode turned 5 a few days ago :’) <3
……i was just thinking about them….i hope they meet again someday 😭 😭😭
(nervous to post this but i like how it looks…… pls be nice)
so the ososan skit ‘jyushimatsu falls in love’ turned 5 today. i went ahead and rewatched it and noticed that when jyushi runs to the train station he’s out of breath, however, earlier in the episode he was perfectly fine swinging his bat 6k times.. idk im just dumping this into existence but yeah. never noticed that until now. made me scream and love this episode even more :’(
So two VERY good imitators of Osomatsu and Karamatsu sang the first opening of season 2 and I haven’t seen anyone else share this??? Do yourself a favor and listen to it PLEASE
new season new totonyaa opening scene that everyone and their mother redraws ( BLM*TSU DNI )